
"desentenderse de" in English

"desentenderse de" in English

Context examples for "desentenderse de" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Sería retrógrado desentenderse de las nuevas formas de tecnología.
You are being reactionary if you cut yourself off from all new forms of technology.
Con ello, lógicamente, no quiero decir que Europa deba desentenderse totalmente de la política sanitaria.
That does not of course mean that Europe should keep its hands off health policy.
África es en estos momentos, supuestamente, un continente olvidado y Europa no puede desentenderse de él.
At the moment Africa is supposedly the forgotten continent and Europe cannot pretend it does not exist.
Es de desear que algunos se resistan a la tentación de desentenderse del asunto por intereses personales.
It is to be hoped that some of them will resist the temptation to sidestep the issue for personal advantage.
Por consiguiente, creo que la Comisión Europea no puede desentenderse de las decisiones que acaba de tomar la dirección del grupo Alstom.
Consequently, I think that the European Commission needs to take an interest in the decisions that have just been taken by the management of the Alstom group.
Y, así mismo, cuando concedemos Nuestras bendiciones al hombre, tiende a apartarse y a desentenderse [de Nuestro recuerdo]; ¡pero tan pronto como le alcanza un infortunio, se deshace en súplicas!
And when We show favour to man, he turns aside and withdraws himself; and when evil touches him, he makes lengthy supplications.
Afecta profundamente en el plano moral que el Reino Unido quiera desentenderse de los esfuerzos de solidaridad que todos hemos acordado para ayudar a los países de la ampliación.
That is even more necessary in the perspective, with which I believe you agree, Prime Minister, of a great Europe that is not closed off to the Balkans and to Turkey.
La Unión no puede desentenderse de un conflicto que, a sus puertas, ya ha causado decenas de miles de víctimas y que cada día parece superar los límites del horror.
The Union cannot avoid being concerned about a conflict which is such a short distance away, has already made tens of thousands of victims, and every day seems to reach new limits of horror.
Afecta profundamente en el plano moral que el Reino Unido quiera desentenderse de los esfuerzos de solidaridad que todos hemos acordado para ayudar a los países de la ampliación.
It is deeply shocking on a moral level that the United Kingdom wants to shy away from the solidarity efforts to which all have consented in order to help the enlargement countries.