
"very carefully" in Spanish

"very carefully" in Spanish
That is something completely different and we need to distinguish very carefully.
Son cosas totalmente diferentes y debemos distinguirlas con mucho cuidado.
We shall look very carefully at what comes in the next few months.
Vamos a observar con mucho cuidado lo que se produzca en los próximos meses.
We should therefore tread very carefully where this is concerned.
Por eso deberíamos andar con mucho cuidado a este respecto.
The House will have to deal with this new situation very carefully in terms of procedure.
El Parlamento tendrá que obrar con esmero ante este hecho nuevo a nivel de procedimiento.

Context examples for "very carefully" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I should like to ask you to consult with Mr Michel very carefully on this score.
El quinto es el agua: la iniciativa del agua para proteger el desarrollo sostenible.
I have also listened very carefully to what the group rapporteurs had to say.
También he escuchado con atención lo que los ponentes de los grupos han dicho.
I have listened very carefully to both sides and to many different stakeholders.
He escuchado con mucha atención ambas posturas y muchas partes interesadas distintas.
However, I repeat: this sort of thing has to be done very carefully and cautiously.
Pero insisto: este tipo de cosas se tiene que hacer con mucha prudencia y cautela.
Mr President, this is a lively debate and one that I have listened to very carefully.
Señor Presidente, este es un debate muy vivo y al que he prestado mucha atención.
It is a proposal that is important but needs to be studied very carefully.
Se trata de una propuesta importante, pero debe ser estudiada muy detenidamente.
That is something completely different and we need to distinguish very carefully.
Son cosas totalmente diferentes y debemos distinguirlas con mucho cuidado.
Mr President, Commissioner, I have listened to your reply very carefully.
Señor Presidente, he escuchado su respuesta con mucha atención, señor Comisario.
Consequently, I think that you will need to monitor the process very carefully.
Por consiguiente, creo que usted debe seguir muy atentamente este proceso.
We need to examine the matter very carefully and with a great deal of sensitivity.
Tenemos que examinar la cuestión muy detenidamente y con gran sensibilidad.
We will also put the Budget under the microscope and examine it very carefully.
También pondremos el Presupuesto bajo un microscopio y lo examinaremos cuidadosamente.
Mr President, I have noted very carefully what my Irish colleague has said.
Señor Presidente, he seguido con mucho cuidado lo que ha dicho mi colega irlandés.
I must say that his comments were very cautious and carefully measured on this issue.
Tomo nota de que sus palabras al respecto fueron muy prudentes y muy medidas.
Once I have received it, the Bureau will, of course, examine it very carefully indeed.
Por supuesto que, en cuanto la reciba, la Mesa la examinará con la mayor atención.
This is something which each Member State must consider very, very carefully.
Esto es algo que cada Estado miembro debe decidir después de estudios muy cuidadosos.
Mr President, I listened very carefully to what Mr van den Broek had to say.
Señor Presidente, he escuchado atentamente la postura del Sr. van der Broek.
I should like to ask you to consult with Mr Michel very carefully on this score.
Quisiera pedirle que realice consultas al respecto con el señor Michel.
I have listened very carefully and I have taken note of all your comments.
Les he escuchado muy atentamente y he tomado nota de todas sus observaciones.
So this would be one angle, which we would have to look at very carefully.
Por tanto, este sería un punto de vista que tenemos que estudiar muy detenidamente.
Mr President, Commissioner, I have listened very carefully to what you said.
Señor Presidente, señor Comisario, he escuchado con mucha atención sus explicaciones.