
"to reach the top of" in Spanish

"to reach the top of" in Spanish

Context examples for "to reach the top of" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Being a part of “O" has helped me reach the top level of my
Ser parte de “O" me ha ayudado a alcanzar el nivel más alto de mi disciplina.
They give us ambitions so we believe we can climb the heights of Olympus and then they ensure that we never reach the top.
Nos infunden ambiciones para que creamos que podemos subir a las alturas del Olimpo y después velan por que nunca lleguemos a la cumbre.
can you reach the top shelf?
¿alcanzas al estante de arriba?
they managed to reach the top
lograron llegar a la cima
More and more women who reach the top nowadays must give up that movement, which is not a good thing, for the media turn them into casualties too soon; they use them and spit them out.
A fin de que las mujeres puedan alcanzar su plenitud, deben poder competir y tener éxito de la misma forma que los hombres.
More and more women who reach the top nowadays must give up that movement, which is not a good thing, for the media turn them into casualties too soon; they use them and spit them out.
Cada vez más mujeres que llegan a lo más alto deben abandonar tal movimiento, lo que no es positivo, ya que los medios las convierten en una baja muy pronto; las utilizan y las desechan.