
"coronar" in English

"coronar" in Spanish
La Presidencia ha conseguido coronar satisfactoriamente la totalidad de su agenda con un nuevo Tratado.
The Presidency has successfully managed to crown its full agenda with a new treaty.
Cuando una dama llega al lado opuesto del tablero, es coronada y pasa a ser un rey.
When a checker reaches the opposite side of the board, it gets crowned and becomes a king.
En Suecia tenemos monedas de diez y cinco coronas fabricadas sin niquel.
In Sweden, for example, we have both ten crown pieces and five crown pieces which are nickel free.
to cap[capped · capped] {v.t.} (mountains, hilltops)
Los compromisos adquiridos en Londres han coronado tres meses de intensos debates a nivel de trabajo y supusieron un gran avance.
The commitments from London capped off three months of intensive discussions at a working level and they marked a real breakthrough.
to cap[capped · capped] {v.t.} (crown, complete)
Los compromisos adquiridos en Londres han coronado tres meses de intensos debates a nivel de trabajo y supusieron un gran avance.
The commitments from London capped off three months of intensive discussions at a working level and they marked a real breakthrough.
to top[topped · topped] {v.t.} (cover)
La aportación danesa superará los 15 millardos de coronas danesas en el cambio de siglo.
The Danish contribution will top DKK 15 billion by the turn of the millennium.
Entretanto, en la punta de esta escalera de sanciones maltusianas, la legislación penal corona esta sociedad nuestra con la cultura de la muerte.
Meanwhile, at the top of this ladder of Malthusian penalties, criminal law tops off this society of ours with the culture of death.
to surmount {v.t.} [archit.]
to breast[breasted · breasted] {v.t.} [poet.] (slope, hill)

Context examples for "coronar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Para coronar esta actitud el Consejo no se halla presente esta tarde.
To add insult to injury, the Council is not even represented here this evening.
La Presidencia ha conseguido coronar satisfactoriamente la totalidad de su agenda con un nuevo Tratado.
The Presidency has successfully managed to crown its full agenda with a new treaty.
Hoy tendríamos que estar reunidos para coronar festivamente un importante debate europeo y traducirlo en acciones.
So today we should be meeting here to festively end an important European discussion and turn words into action.
Compartimos el punto de vista de que el enfoque de abajo arriba podría servir perfectamente para coronar los esfuerzos encaminados al establecimiento de una administración central.
It shares the view that a bottom-up approach would complement efforts to set up a central administration.
Ello es particularmente absurdo cuando la Comisión acaba de coronar un largo proceso presentándonos, por fin, su Libro Blanco sobre las fuentes de energías renovables.
This is particularly absurd when the Commission has just completed a lengthy process by finally presenting us with White Paper on renewable energy sources.