
"so much as" in Spanish

"so much as" in Spanish
so much as{adverb}
All the peoples of Europe have a right to join Europe, even the Serbs, who we have talked so much about.
Todos los pueblos de Europa tienen un derecho a Europa, incluso los serbios, sobre los que tanto se ha dicho.
Looking at the possible consequences, it would make it so much easier for a small minority to block an initiative and hamstring the Union.
Además, incluso la Convención está favor de una Comisión compuesta por un Comisario de cada Estado miembro.
There is even a suspicion that we talk about them so much because we cannot agree on much else to talk about.
Existe incluso la sospecha de que hablamos tanto de ellos porque no tenemos muchos otros temas de debate en los que estemos de acuerdo.
This is not so much a matter of prestige as one of existing resources being underused.
Apenas se trata de una cuestión de prestigio, sino más bien de una gestión deficiente de los recursos existentes.
So there is hardly any other policy area through which it is so necessary to promote human rights and where there is so much chance of success.
Apenas existe otro campo con el que se puedan fomentar los derechos humanos con tanta necesidad y perspectivas de éxito.
However, what we take so much for granted is, for many people, becoming a serious challenge that they are barely able to cope with.
Sin embargo, lo que para nosotros es tan incuestionable, para muchas personas, se está convirtiendo en un importante desafío al que apenas pueden hacer frente.

Similar translations for "so much as" in Spanish
Context examples for "so much as" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Madam President, it is true that sport is so much more than just a game.
Señora Presidenta, es cierto que el deporte es mucho más que un simple juego.
I wonder if they would have found so much inspiration from surfing the internet.
Me pregunto si habrían sentido la misma inspiración navegando por Internet.
This is a question not so much of policy but of fundamental morals and ethics.
Esta es una cuestión no tanto de política, sino de moralidad y ética fundamentales.
That will not, in any case, reduce the number of terrorist acts by so much as one
En cualquier caso no sufriremos un solo acto terrorista menos por esta razón ".
Catholic school, is based not so much on institutional relations as on the right
partir no tanto de las relaciones institucionales, cuanto del derecho de la
We should not be concentrating so much on a deterrent policy at our borders.
No deberíamos concentrarnos tanto en políticas disuasorias en nuestras fronteras.
Europe can count itself as lucky that the social dialogue has achieved so much.
Europa puede congratularse de que el diálogo social haya dado tan buenos resultados.
This is not so much a technical point as a national and emotional consideration.
Este no es tanto un punto técnico cuanto un punto de naturaleza nacional o emocional.
We have not achieved everything, but I am pleased we have achieved so much.
No lo hemos conseguido todo, pero me complace que hayamos conseguido demasiado.
I now come to the institutional issues which have aroused so much comment.
Mencionaré ahora los asuntos institucionales, que suscitaron muchos comentarios.
of course he was attentive and kind, so much so that it got a bit much for us
claro que fue atento y amable, hasta tal punto que llegó a resultarnos pesado
. - Mr President, there is so much to be done.
en nombre del Grupo del PPE-DE. - Señor Presidente, es mucho lo que hay que hacer.
And twenty years later this idea can respond to these needs so much less.
Y veinte años después esta idea puede responder tanto menos a estas necesidades.
I envy the Ethiopian people for their belief that so much depends on them.
Envidio al pueblo etíope por su creencia de que tantas cosas dependen de ellos.
On the contrary, we know so much that there is an urgent need for regulation.
Por el contrario, sabemos tanto que hay una urgente necesidad de regulación.
As with so much in this field, these conclusions should be seen as just a start.
Como tan a menudo sucede en esta esfera, estas conclusiones no son más que un comienzo.
They were promised so much, they were promised a lot, and these promises were not kept.
Les prometieron tanto, les prometieron mucho y tales promesas no se han cumplido.
Never before had there been so much talk about maritime safety in the European Union.
Nunca antes se había hablado tanto de seguridad marítima en la Unión Europea.
A Europe that one historian has called 'Not so much a place but an idea'.
Una Europa que un historiador ha definido como "No tanto un lugar sino una idea".
I am not surprised that it has caused so much outrage, as well as shock, in Parliament.
No me sorprende que haya ocasionado tanta indignación e impacto en el Parlamento.