
"overtime work" in Spanish

"overtime work" in Spanish

Context examples for "overtime work" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We, as politicians, cannot dictate the amount of overtime hours one can work.
Nosotros, como políticos, no podemos dictar la cantidad de horas extra que se pueden trabajar.
In Bangladesh restrictions on night work and overtime are being lifted.
En Bangladesh se han reducido las restricciones que se aplican al trabajo nocturno y a las horas extraordinarias.
To require workers to systematically work overtime and put in long working weeks is to destroy jobs.
Exigir a los trabajadores que, por sistema, hagan horas extras y trabajen en largas semanas laborales significa destruir empleos.
This was the case with the working time directive, which stipulates that too much overtime work is illegal.
Es el caso de la Directiva sobre la distribución del tiempo de trabajo, que dispone que el exceso de tiempo de trabajo es ilegal.
In my view structural overtime should be banned and when people do work overtime they should be paid in time off or work credits.
Las horas extras sistemáticas deben ser desterradas a mi modo de ver y cuando se produzcan, ser pagadas en tiempo libre y bonos de servicio.
to work overtime
trabajar sobretiempo
White-collar staff, for whom there is no such thing as overtime, will work as much as before, even if they are supposed to work 32 hours.
Los directivos, para los que no existe concepto de horas extraordinarias, seguirán trabajando lo mismo aun cuando se supone que debieran trabajar 32 horas.
Only last night they suspended strike action which they had threatened because they have now reached an interim agreement which will ensure that they are actually paid for the overtime they work.
Anoche mismo, desconvocaron una huelga con la que habían amenazado, porque han alcanzado un acuerdo provisional que garantiza que se les pagarán las horas extraordinarias que trabajen.