
"horas extra" in English

"horas extra" in English
horas extra{feminine plural}
(NL) Señor Presidente, me gustaría agradecer a los intérpretes el hecho de que trabajen horas extra.
(NL) Mr President, I should like to thank the interpreters for working overtime.
Ni exige a los empleados trabajar 60 ó 65 horas a la semana, incluyendo las horas extra.
Nor does it require employees to work 60 or 65 hours a week, including overtime.
Nosotros, como políticos, no podemos dictar la cantidad de horas extra que se pueden trabajar.
We, as politicians, cannot dictate the amount of overtime hours one can work.

Similar translations for "horas extra" in English
Context examples for "horas extra" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Nadie debería ser forzado a trabajar horas extra contra su voluntad.
No one should be forced into working extra hours against their will.
No estamos hablando simplemente de horas extra ocasionales.
We are not just talking about occasional long hours.
Es más, a la mayoría -el 66 %- de los trabajadores del Reino Unido que hacen horas extra no les pagan dichas horas.
Moreover, the majority - 66% - of workers in the UK doing long hours are not paid for those hours.
De modo que no es fácil reducir las horas de trabajo extra.
So, it is not easy to reduce working time.
Todos estos problemas y asuntos relacionados con la obesidad y la bebida tienen que ver con la cultura del hacer horas extra.
All these problems and even issues relating to obesity and binge drinking have links with a long-hours culture.
El problema son las horas extra continuadas.
The issue is persistent long hours.
el mes pasado hice 55 horas extra
I clocked up 55 hours overtime last month
Es parte de la cultura del hacer horas extra, en la que uno expresa su compromiso con su trabajo estando presente, no necesariamente siendo productivo.
It is part of a long-hours culture, where you express your commitment to your work by being present, not necessarily by being productive.