
"de envidia" in English

"de envidia" in English
de envidia{adjective}
envious{adj.} (expression)
Yo le felicito sin reservas, si bien debo reconocer que siento un poco de envidia hacia el señor De Clercq.
I offer these congratulations without any reservations, but at the same time I must admit that I am somewhat envious of Mr De Clercq.

Context examples for "de envidia" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Un cáncer que se nutre no de religión, sino de la codicia, del odio, de la envidia y de la ignorancia.
A cancer that is fed, not by religion, but by greed, hate, envy and ignorance.
Se basa únicamente en la envidia de los norteamericanos y en una política del "yo también".
It is based purely on envy of the Americans and 'me too' politics.
La vida allí era dura y los misioneros sufrieron la persecución a causa de la envidia y las calumnias.
Life there was hard and the missionaries also faced persecution arising from envy and slander.
Este rasgo de la política europea es la envidia de las iniciativas de integración regional en otras partes del mundo.
This feature of European policy is the envy of regional integration initiatives in other parts of the world.
Esta firmeza es algo que los Estados Unidos, en particular, siguen con una mezcla de asombro y envidia.
This determination is something which the United States, in particular, is following with a measure of astonishment and jealousy.
Un ejemplo de dicho caso es Grecia y confieso que he sentido algo de envidia al oír lo que sucede en Finlandia.
Greece is a typical example of the latter, and I confess that I felt a certain envy when listening to what happens in Finland.
serás la envidia de toda la escuela
you'll be the envy of the whole school
por dentro está que patalea de envidia
inside he's seething with envy
su éxito me llenó de envidia
I was filled with envy at his success
ponerse verde de envidia
to turn green with envy
ponerse verde de envidia
to go green with envy
ponerse verde de envidia
to be green with envy
Durante una visita reciente al país descubrimos que las escuelas, que tienen una proporción de 15 alumnos por profesor, son la envidia de Europa.
On a recent visit to the country we found that schools, where there is a ratio of 15 pupils to one teacher, are the envy of Europe.
se muere de envidia
he's eating his heart out
estar verde de envidia
to be green with envy
se moría de envidia
he was green with envy
¡Muérete de envidia!
eat your heart out!
me muero de envidia
I'm green with envy
verde de envidia
green with envy
La OLAF es un órgano muy especial de la Unión Europea: una agencia independiente de lucha contra la corrupción que es la envidia de otras organizaciones internacionales.
OLAF is a very special body within the EU: an independent anti-corruption agency which is the envy of other international organisations.