
"envy" in Spanish

"envy" in Spanish
envy(also: jealousy)
Envy and disparagement are the enemy of success and of a successful enterprise economy.
La envidia y el menosprecio son el enemigo del éxito y de una economía empresarial satisfactoria.
It is based purely on envy of the Americans and 'me too' politics.
Se basa únicamente en la envidia de los norteamericanos y en una política del "yo también".
A cancer that is fed, not by religion, but by greed, hate, envy and ignorance.
Un cáncer que se nutre no de religión, sino de la codicia, del odio, de la envidia y de la ignorancia.
That system, which we might envy today, had four weaknesses, especially after electrification.
Este sistema, que podríamos envidiar actualmente, tenía cuatro deficiencias, especialmente tras la electrificación.
I come here full of admiration, to a Parliament that I constantly envy.
Vengo aquí llena de admiración, a un Parlamento que no puedo dejar de envidiar.
I envy the Ethiopian people for their belief that so much depends on them.
Envidio al pueblo etíope por su creencia de que tantas cosas dependen de ellos.

Synonyms (English) for "envy":
Context examples for "envy" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Globalisation is inevitably affecting a sector, too, for which we are the envy of the world.
Es verdad que no conseguiremos detenerla, pero necesitamos garantías apropiadas.
brother Cain, Scripture reveals the presence of anger and envy in man,
Escritura, en el relato de la muerte de Abel a manos de su hermano Caín,
I grant you that this is a complicated field, and I do not envy you your task.
Admito que es un tema complejo. No es una tarea envidiable.
Envy and anger have the upper hand over the Lord's
Los celos y la ira prevalecen sobre la advertencia del
Yes, you heard me correctly – I envy Ethiopia, but not for its government, as there is little cause to do so.
Al igual que todos ustedes, he seguido con la mayor atención el desarrollo del proceso electoral en Etiopía.
Envy and anger have the upper hand over the Lord's warning, and so Cain attacks his own brother and kills him.
Los celos y la ira prevalecen sobre la advertencia del Señor, y así Caín se lanza contra su hermano y lo mata.
if envy were a fever, all mankind would be sick
si la envidia fuera tiña, cuántos tiñosos habría
I envy the way she makes friends so easily
envidio la facilidad con la que hace amigos
envy led her to commit many evil deeds
la envidia la llevó a hacer muchas maldades
he lets his feelings of envy get the better of him
se deja dominar por la envidia
her beauty excited the envy of the other women
las otras envidiaban su belleza
a certain amount of envy is inevitable
es inevitable que haya cierta envidia
you'll be the envy of the whole school
serás la envidia de toda la escuela
inside he's seething with envy
por dentro está que patalea de envidia
I don't envy him the responsibility
no le envidio la responsabilidad
I was filled with envy at his success
su éxito me llenó de envidia
I envy you your good fortune
te envidio la suerte que tienes
The men shall have what they earn, and the women what they earn; but instead (of envy) ask Allah for His Bounty, verily, Allah is All-Knowing.
Los hombres obten­drán una recompensa conforme a sus méritos y la mujeres ob­tendrán una recompensa conforme a sus méritos.
to turn green with envy
ponerse verde de envidia
to go green with envy
ponerse verde de envidia