
"full back" in Spanish

"full back" in Spanish

Context examples for "full back" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
That was the case a century ago, and although there was a crack down, it is now back in full force.
Hace un siglo era así y, después de conseguir que retrocediera algo, vuelve ahora con fuerza.
And every soul shall be paid back full for what it has done, and He knows best what they do.
pues cada ser humano será recompensado cumplidamente por el [bien o el mal] que haya hecho: y Él es plenamente consciente de lo que hacen.
We have urged Iran to reinstate a full suspension and come back to talks on the basis of the Paris agreement.
Hemos pedido a Irán que restablezca la plena suspensión y que reanude las negociaciones sobre la base del acuerdo de París.
It is the face of a child that the shepherds came to see, and they went back full of joy, singing God's praises.
Se marcharon alabando a Dios.
This is a loan that will be paid back in full, and at interest rates similar to the market rates Portugal was paying around a month ago.
Este es un préstamo que se devolverá por completo y con unos tipos de interés similares a los que Portugal pagaba en el mercado hace alrededor de un mes.
I also cannot support the Committee view that we should also step back from full decoupling, but I reserve my biggest fear for the Commission.
Tampoco puedo apoyar la opinión de la Comisión de Agricultura de que debamos retroceder ante la plena disociación, pero reservo mi mayor temor para la Comisión.
The Burmese regime should give her back full freedom of movement immediately and release all political prisoners, including those rounded up today.
El régimen birmano debería restituirle inmediatamente la plena libertad de circulación y liberar a todos los prisioneros políticos, incluyendo a los aprehendidos hoy.
A welcoming nature and solidarity for those who are suffering are two European characteristics that are inspired by Christianity and which it would be good to bring back in full.
El carácter acogedor y la solidaridad con quienes sufren son dos características europeas inspiradas en el cristianismo y que sería bueno recuperar en su totalidad.