
"de facciones" in English

"de facciones" in English

Context examples for "de facciones" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Los trágicos enfrentamientos se produjeron entre facciones de la policía y los militares.
Tragic confrontations took place between elements of the police and the military.
Algunas facciones de ese movimiento están ahora a punto de ser aplastadas por el régimen de Lukashenko.
Parts of this movement are now on the way to being crushed by the Lukashenko regime.
Todos somos culpables, no solamente el Gobierno de Jartum y las facciones militares o guerrilleras.
We are all to blame, not just the Khartoum government and the military and guerrilla factions.
Las facciones violentas de ambos bandos no se detendrán ante nada.
The warring factions on both sides will stop at nothing.
Miles de combatientes armados han entrado, junto con los líderes de las facciones, en Monrovia.
It became possible for thousands of armed fighters to enter Monrovia together with the faction leaders.
Determinadas facciones de este Parlamento son muy antiamericanas.
Certain parts of this Parliament are very anti-American.
Podemos llegar muy lejos con este enfoque combinado y obtendremos el apoyo de todas las facciones de la Cámara.
We can go far with this mixed approach and will garner support from all sides of the House.
Evidentemente, existen distintos enfoques y prioridades en este sentido en las diversas facciones de esta Cámara.
Clearly, there are different emphases and priorities here on the different sides of this House.
Me satisface mucho que algunas facciones de las más enemigas hayan accedido a ello.
I do welcome the fact that some movements, which were at one time some of the most implacable, have now gathered around the table.
La sociedad afgana es compleja debido a la existencia de multitud de facciones, tribus y diferencias étnicas y religiosas.
Afghan society is complex due to its many factions, tribes, and religious and ethnic differences.
tenía un rostro curtido y de facciones bien marcadas
he had a craggy, weather-beaten face
Sin embargo, el presidente Jatamí sufre los constantes ataques de las facciones más fundamentalistas de la sociedad iraní.
However, President Khatami is being constantly frustrated by the more fundamentalist elements of Iranian society.
Se trata de una guerra destructiva y sin sentido, como han señalado diputados de todas las facciones de esta Cámara.
We are talking about a war which is both pointless and destructive, as members from all sides of this House have pointed out.
¿Se está haciendo todo lo posible para evitar los excesos de estas facciones radicales y las masacres de cristianos y musulmanes?
Is resolute action genuinely being taken to deal with the radical factions' excesses and the massacres of Christians and Muslims?
Las facciones moderadas de Pakistán están empezando a sentir frustración y cólera, así como decepción por la respuesta poco contundente de Europa.
Moderate people in Pakistan are feeling frustrated and angry and they are disappointed by Europe's soft response.
la belleza de sus facciones
the handsome cast of his features
Pelinka es el hecho de que desde diversas facciones se ofrecen distintas versiones.
What is known in Austria about Mr Pelinka's resignation is the fact that various versions are being circulated by various people.
Pelinka es el hecho de que desde diversas facciones se ofrecen distintas versiones.
What is known in Austria about Mr Pelinka' s resignation is the fact that various versions are being circulated by various people.
Cuando parte de los guerrilleros se reincorporan a la vida civil, son a menudo asesinados por los elementos más radicales de estas facciones.
However, when former guerrillas rejoin civilian life, they are frequently murdered by more radical elements in their group.
Es evidente que Pakistán espera que el General Musharraf consiga poner término a la actividad de una larga serie de facciones corrompidas e intolerantes.
Pakistan clearly expects General Musharraf to succeed in stopping a long series of corrupt and illiberal factions.