
"de contrainsurgencia" in English

"de contrainsurgencia" in English
counterinsurgency{noun} (tactics, forces, techniques)
Hay que dar tiempo a la nueva política de contrainsurgencia para mostrar resultados, debe haber una solución política y negociaciones con todas las partes.
The new counter-insurgency policy must be given time to show results, there should be a political solution and negotiations with all sides should take place.

Context examples for "de contrainsurgencia" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Nos oponemos firmemente al apartado 71, que condena el uso de aviones no tripulados -parte integral de la estrategia contrainsurgencia-.
We are strongly against paragraph 71, which condemns the use of drones - an integral part of the counter-insurgency strategy.
Hay que dar tiempo a la nueva política de contrainsurgencia para mostrar resultados, debe haber una solución política y negociaciones con todas las partes.
The new counter-insurgency policy must be given time to show results, there should be a political solution and negotiations with all sides should take place.