
"de afeitar" in English

"de afeitar" in English
shaving{noun} (of face etc)

Context examples for "de afeitar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Pero esto no ocurre necesariamente con el cepillo de dientes eléctrico o con la maquinilla de afeitar.
This, however, does not necessarily happen to electric toothbrushes or shavers.
Tenemos que llegara a que se prohiba arrojar una maquinilla de afeitar al cubo de la basura pues no es allí a donde debe ir a parar.
We must reach a point at which it is prohibited to bin an electric shaver, because the general refuse bin is not where it belongs.
Si por la noche no lograban robar un determinado número de carteras, se les quemaban los labios con cigarrillos o se les cortaban las pantorrillas con cuchillas de afeitar.
If they had not picked a certain number of pockets by the evening, their lips were burnt with cigarettes or their lower legs were slashed with razor blades.