"shave" in Spanish
"shave" in Spanish
Secondly, I think bondholders will have to pay a price - if not a haircut then, at the very least, they deserve a bit of a shave.
En segundo lugar, creo que los titulares de bonos deben pagar un precio; si no ya un corte de pelo, al menos una afeitada.
this razor gives a smooth shave
esta navaja da un afeitado muy apurado
A few women have removed or raised their burka, some men have had a shave, music has started to be played again, but there is fear of punishment and vendettas.
Algunas mujeres se han quitado o levantado el burka, algunos hombres se han afeitado, la música ha vuelto a sonar, pero hay miedo a los castigos y a las venganzas.
There is insufficient evidence to recommend perineal shaving for women on admission in labour.
Existen pruebas insuficientes para recomendar el rasurado perineal para mujeres en el ingreso a la sala de partos.
All controlled trials (including quasi-randomised) that compare perineal shaving versus no perineal shaving.
Todos los ensayos controlados (incluido los cuasialeatorios) que comparan el rasurado perineal versus ningún rasurado perineal.
In the second trial, which included 150 participants, perineal shaving was compared with the cutting of long hairs for procedures only.
En el segundo ensayo, que incluyó a 150 participantes, el rasurado perineal se comparó con el recorte de vello largo para los procedimientos solamente.
to shave(also: to pull out feathers)
Secondly, I think bondholders will have to pay a price - if not a haircut then, at the very least, they deserve a bit of a shave.
En segundo lugar, creo que los titulares de bonos deben pagar un precio; si no ya un corte de pelo, al menos una afeitada.
A few women have removed or raised their burka, some men have had a shave, music has started to be played again, but there is fear of punishment and vendettas.
Algunas mujeres se han quitado o levantado el burka, algunos hombres se han afeitado, la música ha vuelto a sonar, pero hay miedo a los castigos y a las venganzas.
to shave(also: to cut back, to cut down, to trim, to ax)
Can days, can weeks be shaved off it at all?
¿Se pueden recortar días, semanas de algún modo?
In the second trial, which included 150 participants, perineal shaving was compared with the cutting of long hairs for procedures only.
En el segundo ensayo, que incluyó a 150 participantes, el rasurado perineal se comparó con el recorte de vello largo para los procedimientos solamente.
In the earlier trial, 389 women were alternately allocated to receive either skin preparation and perineal shaving or clipping of vulval hair only.
En el ensayo anterior, se asignaron 389 mujeres de manera alternativa para recibir preparación de la piel y rasurado perineal (control) o recorte del vello vulvar solamente (experimental).
to shave(also: to cut back, to cut down, to trim, to ax)
Can days, can weeks be shaved off it at all?
¿Se pueden recortar días, semanas de algún modo?
In the second trial, which included 150 participants, perineal shaving was compared with the cutting of long hairs for procedures only.
En el segundo ensayo, que incluyó a 150 participantes, el rasurado perineal se comparó con el recorte de vello largo para los procedimientos solamente.
In the earlier trial, 389 women were alternately allocated to receive either skin preparation and perineal shaving or clipping of vulval hair only.
En el ensayo anterior, se asignaron 389 mujeres de manera alternativa para recibir preparación de la piel y rasurado perineal (control) o recorte del vello vulvar solamente (experimental).
Context examples for "shave" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
to shave off some pieces of chocolate for the decoration
corte unas láminas bien delgadas de chocolate para la decoración
It is true that we have had a close shave.
Sin duda, eso viene de lejos.
this razor gives a smooth shave
esta navaja da un afeitado muy apurado
you need a shave, you're bristly
necesitas afeitarte, ya pinchas
this razor gives a smooth shave
esta navaja afeita muy al ras
a complete head shave
un rapado al cero
he had a dry shave
se afeitó en seco
a close shave
por los pelos
Perhaps I can be excused if I can take a few moments more than my allotted five to begin with and shave that off anything I say at the end of the debate.
Quizá me disculpen si me permito sobrepasar un poco los cinco minutos que me han sido asignados inicialmente para el uso de la palabra, tiempo que descontaré de mi intervención al final del debate.
We had a close shave when the German Constitutional Court examined the framework decision on the European arrest warrant and came very close to contesting its legitimacy.
Conseguimos escapar por lo pelos cuando el Tribunal Constitucional alemán sometió a examen la Decisión marco sobre la orden de arresto europeo y estuvo muy cerca de impugnar su legitimidad.
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