
"to pass down" in Spanish

"to pass down" in Spanish

Context examples for "to pass down" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Thus, Objective 2 in the Commission's proposal seems to simply pass the problem down.
En la propuesta de la Comisión parece que el objetivo 2 se desplaza sencillamente hacia abajo.
This poverty can pass down from one generation to the next.
Esta pobreza puede transmitirse de una generación a otra.
It is up to the national States themselves to promote the family as a support structure and to create men liberated from these patterns of violence that they pass down from generation to generation.
Este Estado nacional tiene que promover la familia como estructura de apoyo y debe crear hombres liberados de los esquemas de violencia que ellos mismos reproducen generación tras generación.