
"to blow over" in Spanish

"to blow over" in Spanish
Farming has taken a blow over the past year in the United Kingdom, and sheep farming, of course, is no exception.
La agricultura ha sufrido un duro golpe el año pasado en el Reino Unido, y la ganadería de ovino, naturalmente, no ha sido una excepción.
to blow over
caer en el olvido

Context examples for "to blow over" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Finally, the farming community has suffered a great blow over the past few years.
Por último, la comunidad agrícola ha sufrido un duro golpe durante estos últimos años.
As far as I am concerned, the only thing I ask of a smoker is that they do not disturb me and blow their smoke over me.
Personalmente, la única cosa que pido a quien fuma es que no me incomode y que no fume encima de mí.
it was a terrible blow, she isn't over it yet
fue un golpe muy duro y aún no se ha repuesto
to blow over
caer en el olvido
As long as we think that the problems will blow over of their own accord, however, as long as we say nothing, then I fear that a large number of unpleasant surprises await us.
Mientras pensemos que los problemas se resolverán por sí solos, mientras no digamos nada, me temo que nos aguardarán muchas sorpresas desagradables.
On the other hand, it has never been as difficult to take action as it is today: the decision by the United States has dealt a harsh blow to international efforts over the last ten years.
Por otro lado, nunca como hoy ha sido tan difícil actuar: la decisión de los Estados Unidos ha significado un fuerte golpe a una labor internacional que ya dura diez años.