
"to become involved" in Spanish

"to become involved" in Spanish

Context examples for "to become involved" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
This is not the way to persuade such countries to become involved in the process.
Ésta no es la forma de convencer a estos países para que se impliquen en el proceso.
Should we try to become involved in bilateral contacts between one state and another?
¿Acaso deberíamos intentar establecer contactos bilaterales entre un Estado y otro?
In many cities, people have become involved who would not otherwise participate.
En numerosas ciudades se han implicado personas que de otra forma no habrían participado.
We want to invite you to become involved with the Energy Roadmap from day one.
Queremos invitarle a participar en el plan de trabajo desde el día uno.
Another topic is the scope for deaf people to become involved in politics.
Otro tema es la posibilidad de participación en la política para las personas sordas.
There is an urgent need for them to become involved, and financially too!
Es urgentemente necesario que ellas participen, incluso en el mundo de las finanzas.
We have asked European governments to become involved in order to facilitate this process.
Hemos pedido a las capitales europeas que intervengan para facilitar este proceso.
I call on all Member States to become more actively involved and to make proposals.
Hago un llamamiento a todos ellos para que participen más activamente y hagan propuestas.
It would be wrong for the Commission to seek to become involved in this aspect.
No sería adecuado que la Comisión intentara ocuparse de ese aspecto.
People can become involved in computer hacking for very different reasons.
Las personas pueden verse implicadas en ataques informáticos por motivos muy diferentes.
If it does not, we cannot expect many young people to become involved in this service.
Si no se hace, no podremos hacer que los jóvenes acepten este servicio.
They believe that they have no obligation to become involved in enforcing peace.
Consideran que ellos no tienen ninguna obligación de participar en las misiones de pacificación.
What has become of the honesty involved in admitting that reforms sometimes hurt?
¿Qué ha pasado con la honestidad que requiere admitir que las reformas en ocasiones hacen daño?
There are nonetheless certain issues in which we think we can become involved.
Sin embargo, creo que deberíamos interesarnos por algunos asuntos.
It forces all European Union citizens to become indirectly involved in this matter.
Obliga a todos los ciudadanos de la Unión Europea a implicarse indirectamente en este asunto.
We in the House must become involved and provide a stimulus, instead of holding things up.
Nosotros, los parlamentarios, hemos de participar, estimular, y no frenar.
That, I believe, is the reason why the PPE has become involved in framing this text.
Ésta es la razón por la cual creo que el PPE se ha comprometido en la redacción de este texto.
Anyone can become involved - all governments, all public establishments.
Cualquiera puede estar implicado, todos los gobiernos, todos los establecimientos públicos.
I believe that we should not even have become involved in this directive.
Creo que no deberíamos habernos metido en el lío de esta directiva.
Even if the Council were to become involved, there would still be enough loopholes left.
Aunque el Consejo se implicara, seguirían existiendo muchas lagunas.