
"to put on trial" in Spanish

"to put on trial" in Spanish
to put on trial{transitive verb}
The violence must be halted, and those responsible put on trial.
Hay que poner fin a la violencia y llevar a juicio a los responsables.
to put on trial
llevar a juicio

Context examples for "to put on trial" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
If you were a troublesome critic of the regime, you would not be put on trial.
Si eras un crítico del régimen problemático, no te llevarían a juicio.
Mr President, this is not only about Mr Öcalan or about whether or not he is to be put on trial.
Señor Presidente, no se trata solamente de Ocalan o de si tendrá un juicio o no.
Should the candidate countries really be put on trial in such a way?
¿Es realmente necesario que los países candidatos pasen por una prueba así?
The violence must be halted, and those responsible put on trial.
Hay que poner fin a la violencia y llevar a juicio a los responsables.
We are justified in insisting that he be put on trial in Peru.
Tenemos razón en insistir que se le juzgue en Perú.
We expect those responsible to be put on trial.
Esperamos que todos los autores de esos actos sean juzgados.
Our Parliament, which has so much to say on the subject of human rights, should demand that Communism be put on trial.
Esta Cámara, tan prolija en temas de derechos humanos, debería exigir un proceso contra el comunismo.
Be that as it may, the Commission naturally shares the view that war criminals must be detained and put on trial.
Dicho esto, la Comisión comparte naturalmente la postura de que a los criminales de guerra hay que capturarlos y juzgarlos.
They were put on trial for it and hanged.
Fueron juzgados con ese cargo y colgados.
This is not the case, however, in Bangladesh, where Mr Choudhury has been put on trial and could be executed for his articles.
Pero no es el caso de Bangladesh, donde el señor Choudhury ha sido juzgado y podría ser ejecutado por sus artículos.
Morgan Tsvangirai – the leader of the opposition party, the Movement for Democratic Change – has been put on trial under spurious charges of treason.
Hay una tasa de desempleo del 70 % y más de 6 millones de personas necesitan ayuda alimentaria.
I am appalled by such reports, particularly since only 700 of the 8000camp guards, or less than 10%, were ever put on trial.
Estas noticias me han dejado horrorizado, en particular porque solo se juzgaron a 700 de los 8 000 guardias, menos del 10%.
One other outstanding issue which the Commission will follow closely is the question of which Khmer Rouge leader will be put on trial.
Otro asunto pendiente que la Comisión seguirá de cerca es la cuestión de qué dirigente de los Jemeres rojos será juzgado.
Orhan Pamuk is being put on trial.
Orhan Pamuk va a ser juzgado.
Journalists, intellectuals and critics of the regime disappear and are tortured, imprisoned and put on trial for trivial reasons.
Los periodistas, intelectuales y críticos del régimen desaparecen y son torturados, encarcelados y procesados por motivos triviales.
In particular, Hun Sen has warned that "war could break out" if the Khmer Rouge deputy premier Ieng Sary is put on trial.
En particular, Hun Sen ha advertido de que "podríamos estallar" si el viceprimer ministro de los Jemeres rojos, Ieng Sary, fuera llevado a juicio.
In particular, Hun Sen has warned that " war could break out " if the Khmer Rouge deputy premier Ieng Sary is put on trial.
En particular, Hun Sen ha advertido de que " podríamos estallar " si el viceprimer ministro de los Jemeres rojos, Ieng Sary, fuera llevado a juicio.
It is also very important that the new future government or parliament will ensure the former leaders of the Khmer Rouge are put on trial.
También es muy importante que el nuevo futuro gobierno o parlamento asegure el procesamiento de los anteriores líderes del Jmer Rojo.
I am appalled by such reports, particularly since only 700 of the 8 000 camp guards, or less than 10 %, were ever put on trial.
Señor Presidente, Señorías, continuando con mi último discurso ante la Cámara de Estrasburgo quiero reiterar mi opinión sobre el transporte de ganado vivo.
The EU must do all it can to put pressure on the relevant authorities to capture and put to trial those responsible for this atrocity.
La Unión Europea debe hacer todo lo posible por presionar a las autoridades competentes para que capturen y juzguen a los responsables de esta atrocidad.