
"inconsistently" in Spanish

The EU is acting inconsistently, given that it also subsidises the cultivation and export of tobacco to the tune of EUR 1 billion.
La UE actúa contradictoriamente cuando al mismo tiempo subvenciona la exportación de tabaco con mil millones de euros.
The EU is acting inconsistently here, given that it subsidises both the growing and the export of tobacco to the tune of one billion euros.
La UE actúa contradictoriamente cuando al mismo tiempo subvenciona el cultivo y la exportación del tabaco con mil millones de euros.
Side-effects were inconsistently reported.
Los efectos secundarios se informaron de manera irregular.
Data on continuous outcomes were presented inconsistently among studies, which precluded the possibility of pooling the results.
Los datos de las variables continuas se presentaron de manera irregular entre los estudios, por lo tanto no se pudo agrupar los resultados.
The framework strategy of gender mainstreaming is being implemented consistently.
Se aplica consecuentemente la estrategia marco gender mainstreaming.
They must also be applied consistently and that also applies to a country like France.
Se tienen que aplicar consecuentemente y eso también rige para un país como Francia.
The EU needs to speak and act more consistently in the world arenas.
La UE debe adoptar una postura más coherente y actuar consecuentemente en la escena internacional.
In this regard, we need to consistently hold up definite European prospects before them.
En este aspecto, debemos plantearles coherentemente unas perspectivas europeas.
I have consistently refused to make promises on which I cannot deliver.
Coherentemente he rechazado hacer promesas que no puedo garantizar.
History has consistently shown that the correct approach is to stand up to a bully.
La Historia ha mostrado coherentemente que la actitud correcta es hacer frente a los matones.
treatment that religious belief receives seems consistently negative and
cuando las creencias religiosas son tratadas sistemáticamente en forma
We have consistently opposed this brutal menace and will continue to do so together.
Nos hemos opuesto sistemáticamente a esta amenaza brutal y continuaremos haciéndolo.
We have consistently taken the view that such trade is legitimate.
Sistemáticamente hemos defendido la opinión de que dicho comercio es legítimo.
We have consistently said that this is an extremely complex issue.
Hemos dicho constantemente que se trata de un asunto bastante complejo.
Instead, we should consistently pursue every opportunity to make savings.
En su lugar, debemos aprovechar constantemente todas las oportunidades que tengamos para ahorrar.
I regret the fact that some female Members consistently mix these two issues together.
Lamento el hecho de que algunas colegas diputadas mezclen constantemente estos dos asuntos.
inconsistente{adj. m/f}
The Commission is clearly being far too lax and inconsistent.
En este caso la Comisión de forma clara ha sido excesivamente complaciente e inconsistente.
Results are inconsistent across studies that vary in quality and context.
Los resultados son inconsistentes entre los estudios que difieren en la calidad y el contexto.
We believe José's report is problematic because it is inconsistent.
Jové Pérez es problemático desde nuestro punto de vista, pues es inconsistente.
That seems to be entirely inconsistent and is also an issue that was covered by the Gambelli case.
Parece que es totalmente contradictorio y además es un tema que aparecía en el caso Gambelli.
The Commission's position on this is inconsistent.
La actitud de la Comisión es contradictoria en este punto.
I regret, however, that their struggle for citizens' freedoms is changeable and inconsistent.
Lamento, sin embargo, que su lucha a favor de las libertades de los ciudadanos sea cambiante y contradictoria.
Establishing different definitions would be both inconsistent and unnecessarily complicated.
Establecer una definiciones distintas sería incoherente e innecesariamente complicado.
I have been struck by the imprecise and inconsistent nature of the responses.
Me ha sorprendido la naturaleza imprecisa e incoherente de las respuestas.
Regionalisation already exists, albeit in an ad hoc and inconsistent manner.
La regionalización existe ya, si bien de forma particular e incoherente.
I think that this is deeply inconsistent and immoral.
Me parece que esto es sumamente inconsecuente e inmoral.
That would be inconsistent in the light of our criticism.
A la luz de nuestra crítica, eso es inconsecuente.
I can't accept, it would be inconsistent with my principles
no puedo aceptar, no puedo ser inconsecuente conmigo mismo
I think that this is deeply inconsistent and immoral.
Me parece que esto es sumamente inconsecuente e inmoral.
That would be inconsistent in the light of our criticism.
A la luz de nuestra crítica, eso es inconsecuente.
I can't accept, it would be inconsistent with my principles
no puedo aceptar, no puedo ser inconsecuente conmigo mismo
The fact is that these interpretations have generated an inconsistent and fluctuating body of case law, which has created legal uncertainty for local authorities, service providers and users.
Ahora bien, esta interpretación ha dado lugar a una jurisprudencia inconstante, fluctuante, que ha generado inseguridad jurídica para las entidades locales, para los operadores y para los usuarios.

Synonyms (English) for "consistently":
Context examples for "inconsistently" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Side-effects were inconsistently reported.
Los efectos secundarios se informaron de manera irregular.
They have all responded, although inconsistently.
Todos han respondido, pero de una manera irregular.
We must not create the feeling, with each individual decision, that we interpret the criteria inconsistently.
No debemos dar la sensación, con cada decisión que adoptemos, de que no interpretamos los criterios de manera coherente.
Europe is laboriously and extremely inconsistently shaking off her lethargic attitude to the horrors taking place in Chechnya.
Europa se está despertando fatigosamente y con muchas contradicciones de su letargo respecto a los horrores chechenos.
The review of trials found that diuretics, given from a single dose to one week's treatment, inconsistently improved lung function and oxygen levels in the blood.
No hubo suficientes pruebas para mostrar que produce mejorías en los resultados a largo plazo.
Data on continuous outcomes were presented inconsistently among studies, which precluded the possibility of pooling the results.
Los datos de las variables continuas se presentaron de manera irregular entre los estudios, por lo tanto no se pudo agrupar los resultados.
The labour market situation in Member States shows that women are inconsistently represented in the various sectors.
La situación del mercado laboral de los Estados miembros pone de relieve que las mujeres no están representadas de forma coherente en los distintos sectores.