
"to be crazy about" in Spanish

"to be crazy about" in Spanish

Context examples for "to be crazy about" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
she's really crazy about that guy
tiene un metejón bárbaro con ese tipo
I'm crazy about lemon ice cream
el helado de limón me flipa cantidad
she's crazy about adventure movies
se flipa por el cine de aventuras
she's completely crazy about him
la tiene totalmente idiotizada
Cuba is crazy about dollars.
A Cuba le encantan los dólares.
he's absolutely crazy about her
está lelo perdido por ella
he's crazy about strawberries
tiene delirio por las fresas
he's crazy about that girl
tiene un flipe por esa tía
a singer she's crazy about
un cantante que la disloca
he's crazy about anything that's new
es muy novelero
I'm crazy about pop music
me enloquece la música pop
he's crazy about football
el fútbol es su mero mole
he's crazy about motorbikes
se chifla por las motos
he's crazy about soccer
le gusta un jurgo el fútbol
he's crazy about that girl
se muere por esa chica
to be crazy about sb.
estar colgado por alguien
he's crazy about her
está muy agarrado de ella
he's crazy about her
anda de cabeza por ella
I'm crazy about that guy
ese chico me chifla
he's crazy about cars
le chiflan los coches