
"pago por adelantado" in English

"pago por adelantado" in English

Context examples for "pago por adelantado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
lo corriente es efectuar el pago por adelantado
the normal thing is to pay in advance
El Parlamento también quiere que en caso de pago por adelantado, cuando no se preste el servicio equivalente, se devuelva el dinero.
Also, where payment is made in advance, Parliament wishes the money to be reimbursed if the corresponding service is not provided.
pagó por adelantado
she paid in advance
pago por adelantado
payment in advance
pago por adelantado
advance payment
Este alto grado de ejecución resulta de las transacciones de la reserva realizadas para proceder al pago por adelantado de los edificios del Parlamento.
The high degree of implementation was partly the result of the end-of-year mopping-up transfers, where funds were transferred to pay for Parliament's buildings.