
"to go near" in Spanish

"to go near" in Spanish

Context examples for "to go near" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I am somewhat disappointed at the Commission’s statements, however, which did not go anywhere near far enough.
Sin embargo, siento cierta decepción ante la declaración de la Comisión, que no ha ido suficientemente lejos.
don't go so near the edge of the platform
no te acerques tanto al borde del andén
don't go too near the fire
no te acerques demasiado al fuego
The Commission proposal, however, to allow organic farmers only to plant legumes does not go anywhere near far enough.
La propuesta de la Comisión, que prevé el cultivo de leguminosas únicamente por agricultores biológicos, no tiene a mi juicio suficiente alcance.
don't go near it, it bites
no te le acerques, que muerde
don't go too near the fire
no te acerques a la candela
" So keep apart from women at such times, and go not near them till they are cleansed; but when they have purified themselves you may come in to them as Allah has ordered you.
Di: "Es un estado de impureza.
The Andersson report is a bandage on the wound inflicted by the European Court of Justice on the results of one hundred years of labour struggles, and it does not go anywhere near far enough.
El informe del señor Andersson es una venda sobre la herida causada por el Tribunal de Justicia Europeo sobre el resultado de cien años de lucha de los trabajadores, y no lleva a ningún lado.