
"even though" in Spanish

"even though" in Spanish
even though{adverb}
Even though this is a positive result, it is difficult to consider it adequate.
A pesar de que se trata de un resultado positivo, resulta difícil considerarlo suficiente.
They were able to do so, even though their past was as difficult as that of Ukraine.
Lo consiguieron a pesar de que su pasado fue tan difícil como el de Ucrania.
Even though I voted in favour, I voted with grave and serious reservations.
A pesar de que he votado a favor, lo he hecho con graves y serias reservas.
even though{conjunction}
This step is a necessary one, even though, in my view, it is just the first one.
Se trata de un paso necesario, aunque, desde mi punto de vista, solo es el primero.
This happens even though the user is signed in through the Sign In application.
Esto sucede aunque haya iniciado sesión a través de Aplicación para Iniciar sesión.
Even though possibly not on the same scale, these are no
aunque no se produzcan en la misma escala, no dejan de ser perjudiciales para
aun cuando{conj.}
Even though those conservatives need freedom of expression too.
Aun cuando esos ultraconservadores también precisan la libertad de expresión.
historical fact for all parts of the continent, even though different
a todo el Continente, aún cuando, dicho acontecimiento se desarrolló
We want more, even though the facts about our seas are bleak.
Queremos algo más, aun cuando la realidad acerca de nuestros mares sea desoladora.

Similar translations for "even though" in Spanish
Context examples for "even though" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
witnessing, even though they evoke in the Church the need to renew not a few
si bien provocan en la Iglesia la necesidad de renovar no pocos de sus aspectos
They were able to do so, even though their past was as difficult as that of Ukraine.
Lo consiguieron a pesar de que su pasado fue tan difícil como el de Ucrania.
Even though there is no cure for multiple myeloma, it can be treated successfully.
El mieloma múltiple no tiene curación, pero puede ser tratado eficazmente.
Even though I arrived late, I have had both an answer and a chance to reply.
A pesar de haber llegado tarde, se me ha dado respuesta y derecho a réplica.
Madam President, I will be brief, even though the project is worth discussing further.
Se ha dicho hace un momento que no hay empresas privadas en la fase de desarrollo.
Yes, our unemployment rates are too high, even though we are creating new jobs.
Sí, tenemos demasiado desempleo, pero creamos nuevos puestos de trabajo.
Even though I voted in favour, I voted with grave and serious reservations.
A pesar de que he votado a favor, lo he hecho con graves y serias reservas.
Even though this is a positive result, it is difficult to consider it adequate.
A pesar de que se trata de un resultado positivo, resulta difícil considerarlo suficiente.
Even though the language of the Court of Auditors is polite, the criticism is devastating.
No podemos aceptar otra cosa que no sea la inmediata solución de estos problemas.
Even though everyone had predicted disunity, we nevertheless achieved unity.
En lugar de la desunión que todo el mundo esperaba, se impuso la unidad.
Who is aware of it, even though it is of crucial economic importance?
¿Quién se da por enterado, a pesar de que su importancia económica es decisiva?
Energy consumption in Europe is growing, even though it should be falling.
El consumo de energía en Europa está aumentando, pese a que debería estar disminuyendo.
even though once they are resolved they eventually make it possible to rebuild a
son considerables, incluso si su solución permite la reconstrucción
We too can get confused, even though we work with these matters on a daily basis.
Incluso los que trabajamos aquí diariamente nos confundimos a veces.
They were able to do so, even though their past was as difficult as that of Ukraine.
Se interrumpe la sesión hasta el Turno de preguntas, a las 18.00 horas.
There are just as many young smokers there, even though there is no advertising.
Allí fuman igualmente multitud de jóvenes y allí no hay publicidad.
Even though Indian law prohibits caste discrimination, it is still a fact of life.
A pesar de que la legislación hindú prohíbe la discriminación de casta, aún es una realidad.
The Western fear of Russia, even though it is often hidden, is perfectly real.
El temor occidental frente a Rusia, a pesar de que a menudo se oculta, es perfectamente real.
What I find even more appalling, though, is the continuing violence against women.
Pero lo que me parece más lacerante es que se siga ejerciendo la violencia contra las mujeres.
Even though these areas are all loss-making, they are essential and crucial for public health.
Si bien estos ámbitos generan pérdidas, resultan esenciales para la salud pública.