
"disimulando" in English

todos se dan cuenta porque no sabe disimular
everybody knows what's going on because she can't dissemble
El problema no es reorientar, desorientar, a los agricultores disimulando o suavizando políticas hostiles.
What matters is not to reorientate, or rather, disorientate farmers by covering up and whitewashing hostile policies.
to cover up {vb} (conceal)
to cover up {vb} (conceal error)
to gloss over {vb} (cover up)
to paper over {vb} (rift, quarrel)
En cambio, quiere disimular la manera en que no estamos cumpliendo los criterios fundamentales.
Instead it wants to paper over the ways in which we are slipping behind on meeting fundamental criteria.
to veil[veiled · veiled] {v.t.} (feelings)
La mayoría de las veces no es sino un intento apenas disimulado de renacionalizar elementos de la política europea y satisfacer así a electores descontentos.
This is usually a veiled attempt to re-nationalize elements of European policy and thereby pander to unhappy voters.
¿Es para disimular esta contradicción que los dos textos no se sometan a un debate conjunto?
Is it to conceal this contradiction that the two documents are not the subjects of a joint debate?
Es inútil disimular la verdad en una resolución, tal como se nos presenta y que es exageradamente optimista.
It is futile to conceal that truth with the exaggeratedly optimistic motion for a resolution before us today.
no podía disimular el placer que sentía
she could not conceal her delight
se tienda a disimular algunos delitos contra la vida naciente o terminal con expresiones
in the tendency to disguise certain crimes against life in its early or final
Señor Presidente, no puedo disimular mi decepción ante el rechazo del informe.
Mr President, I cannot disguise my disappointment that the report has just been rejected.
(EN) Señor Presidente, no puedo disimular mi decepción ante el rechazo del informe.
Mr President, I cannot disguise my disappointment that the report has just been rejected.
Usted no ha intentado disimular dicha irrealidad y le estamos agradecidos por ello.
You have not sought to hide the fact from us, and we appreciate that.
Y eso es lo que se quiere disimular.
And that is what they want to hide.
No podemos disimular nuestra preocupación por la base jurídica del tratado, por el mandato de negociación y su transparencia.
We cannot hide the fact that we are concerned about the legal basis of the treaty, about the negotiating mandate and its transparency.

Context examples for "disimulando" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El problema no es reorientar, desorientar, a los agricultores disimulando o suavizando políticas hostiles.
What matters is not to reorientate, or rather, disorientate farmers by covering up and whitewashing hostile policies.