
"de Skopie" in English

"de Skopie" in English
de Skopie{adjective masculine/feminine}
de Skopie{adjective masculine/feminine}

Context examples for "de Skopie" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Nos sentimos muy satisfechos por el intento del Presidente Trajkovski de lanzar un proceso de diálogo en Skopie.
We are very pleased at the attempt made by President Trajkovski to launch a process of dialogue in Skopje.
La vida pública debe deshacerse del síndrome de Skopie.
Public life must be rid of the Skopia syndrome.
Patten la causa de que el gobierno de la Arym se viera obligado a cerrar la oficina de la BBC en Skopie?
Does Mr Patten perhaps know why the FYROM government was forced to close the BBC office in Skopje?
Ahora es el momento adecuado para buscar un nombre menos provocador para el aeropuerto de Skopie y para condenar el tratamiento irrespetuoso dispensado a la bandera griega.
Now is the right time to look for a less provocative name for Skopje Airport, and to condemn the disrespectful treatment of the Greek flag.
En especial, quiero felicitar a los representantes de la Unión Europea, Javier Solana, Chris Patten y al representante de la Comisión en Skopie por su actividad.
But I would also particularly like to thank the representatives of the European Union, Javier Solana, Chris Patten, and the Commission representative in Skopje for their commitment.