
"de PVC" in English

"de PVC" in English
de PVC{noun}
de PVC{noun}
PVC{noun} (raincoat, sheeting)
La producción de PVC no resulta negativa si se cumplen los estrictos requisitos de emisiones.
The production of PVC is justified if strict emission requirements are met.
La industria está renunciando ya hoy de manera voluntaria al cadmio en los productos de PVC.
Industry already voluntarily refrains from using cadmium in PVC products today.
El primero es la prohibición de PVC en los edificios.
The first example is the banning of PVC in buildings.

Context examples for "de PVC" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Los juguetes de PVC blando que contienen sustancias peligrosas no son ni divertidos ni seguros y es por este motivo por el que esta prohibición es tan importante.
That is why this legislation must be considered as a first application of the precautionary principle to phthalates.
Los ftalatos son sustancias químicas que se añaden a productos plásticos, en particular a aquellos hechos de PVC, para aumentar su flexibilidad.
For this reason I propose that such toys be clearly marked, and above all that the phthalates that a toy contains, or its constituents, are marked on them.