
"de esposa" in English

"de esposa" in English
de esposa{adjective}
de esposa{adjective}
wifely{adj.} (loyalty, duties)

Context examples for "de esposa" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Como esposa de médico, tengo mucho interés por el desarrollo de la investigación.
As the wife of a doctor, I am extremely concerned that such research should be allowed to develop.
La esposa de Allan, Anne, y otros miembros de su familia están con nosotros en la tribuna hoy.
Allan's wife, Anne, and other members of his family are with us in the gallery today.
"que el hombre sienta la maternidad de la mujer, su esposa, como entrega"
recognize that the motherhood of his wife is a gift" (Ibid., 16).27
esposa de Hu Jia. - Queridos amigos, soy la esposa de Hu Jia, Zeng Jinyan.
wife of Hu Jia. - Dear friends, I am Hu Jia's wife, Zeng Jinyan.
del consentimiento de la esposa, la probidad de sus costumbres cristianas
cannot be admitted unless “their wives not only consent, but also
No es posible promover la llegada de una segunda esposa!
I am sorry, but the text is quite clear! It is not possible to apply for a second wife to come!
unión exclusiva de la Iglesia-Esposa con el Señor se expresa
exclusive union of the Church as Bride with the Lord is expressed in the
más eficazmente el misterio de la Iglesia « Esposa Inmaculada
the mystery of the Church as “the Spotless Bride of the Spotless Lamb”,
de la Iglesia-Esposa con su Señor, profundamente amado », (1)
Bride with her Lord, whom she loves above all things”, (1) showing
le resultó imposible continuar en el papel de esposa sumisa
she found it impossible to sustain the role of submissive housewife
El mensaje que hoy nos transmitirá por medio de su esposa Zeng Jinyan es un acto tan altruista como ese.
The message he will be conveying to us today via his wife Zeng Jinyan is a similarly selfless act.
Milosevic y de su esposa Markovic.
The population only gets information from the subjective viewpoint of Mr Milosevic and his wife Mrs Markovic.
la pérdida de su esposa ensombreció sus últimos días
his last days were darkened by the loss of his wife
pronunciando el primer fiat de la Nueva Alianza, prefigura su condición de esposa y madre.
Church's Lord and Head and she who, uttering the first fiat of the New Covenant, prefigures the Church's condition as spouse and mother.
el cumpleaños de la esposa de un compañero
the birthday of the wife of one of my colleagues
Ahora pido que se reproduzca el mensaje recibido hace un par de días por parte de la esposa de Hu Jia, Zeng Jinyan.
I should now like to request that the message received a couple of days ago from Hu Jia's wife, Zeng Jinyan, be played.
Desde aquel momento se había convertido en la virgen esposa de Cristo, humilde y pobre, y se consagraba a Él totalmente.
From that moment she became the virgin bride of Christ, humble and poor, and she consecrated herself totally to him.
fue condenado por el asesinato de su esposa
he was convicted of murdering his wife
el cumpleaños de la esposa de un compañero
a colleague's wife's birthday
Fue una verdadera pena que la Presidencia no estuviera presente para escuchar el conmovedor y valiente mensaje de la esposa de Hu Jia.
It was a great pity that the presidency was not present to hear the moving and courageous message from Hu Jia's wife.