
"to be rude to" in Spanish

"to be rude to" in Spanish

Context examples for "to be rude to" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I can guarantee that some Member States are in for a rude awakening in this respect.
Les puedo asegurar que algunos Estados miembros se van a llevar una desagradable sorpresa.
I am not yet well enough to stand while I talk to you, but please do not think I am being rude.
Mi salud no se ha restablecido aún lo suficiente para que pueda hablar de pie.
The Slightly Rude Compressor was Bomb Factory's first completely custom compressor design.
Slightly Rude Compressor fue el primer diseño de compresor totalmente personalizado de Bomb Factory.
I don't mean to be rude, but I have to get up early tomorrow
no quiero ser descortés, pero yo mañana tengo que levantarme temprano
I had a rude awakening when I saw the state of the house
me llevé una sorpresa muy desagradable cuando vi cómo estaba la casa
she was afraid he might be rude, but in the event …
tenía miedo de que se portara groseramente, pero llegado el momento …
As you said, Mr Chair, you would not like to be rude.
Como usted ha dicho, señor Presidente, no quiere ser grosero.
Furthermore, the Netherlands has had a rude awakening.
Asimismo, los Países Bajos han tenido un brusco despertar.
just because he's famous doesn't mean he can be rude
el hecho de que sea famoso no le da derecho a ser grosero
they were very rude about my cooking
hicieron comentarios muy poco amables sobre la comida que había preparado
I felt like saying something rude, but I kept quiet
me dieron ganas de contestarle una burrada, pero me callé
he may be rude but there is a lot of good in him
puede que sea grosero pero tiene muchas otras cosas buenas
he's so rude, he just comes in without saying hello to anyone
mira si es bestia, entra sin saludar a nadie
I do not mean to be rude, but it really would be interesting to take a vote in Parliament and see which of the two would win.
Sin pretender ser impertinente: sería interesante votar en el Parlamento para ver quién gana.
he didn't mean to be rude — well, I'll take your word for it
no quiso ofender — bueno, si tú lo dices …
I thought it was very rude of him not to invite us in
me pareció una grosería que no nos hiciera pasar
It has increasingly become the norm that ignoring this sign is rude and even unlawful.
Se ha ido aceptando paulatinamente que no es de buen gusto, e incluso que no se tiene derecho a hacer caso omiso de esta advertencia.
don't talk back to your mother like that, you rude little boy
no contestes así a tu madre ¡descarado!
that was a rude reminder that we're getting old
eso nos recordó cruelmente que estamos envejeciendo
she was very offhand, if not downright rude
estuvo muy brusca, por no decir verdaderamente grosera