
"to get (straight) to the point" in Spanish

"to get (straight) to the point" in Spanish
Mr President, I have only one question to ask today and I am going to get straight to the point.
Señor Presidente, hoy solo tengo una pregunta, y voy a ir al grano.
MrPresident, I have only one question to ask today and I am going to get straight to the point.
SeñorPresidente, hoy solo tengo una pregunta, y voy a ir al grano.
Let me get straight to the point.
Permítanme ir al grano.

Context examples for "to get (straight) to the point" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
(FR) Madam President, since I only have one minute I will get straight to the point.
(FR) Señora Presidenta, puesto que sólo dispongo de un minuto, iré directamente al grano.
., I will get straight to the point without any preliminaries.
En mi opinión, esta posición sigue siendo fundamental para nuestras políticas.
– Mr President, I agree with Mr Kuhne, and in view of the late hour I, too, shall get straight to the point.
En ese momento también, yo era el orador de mi Grupo y pude exponer nuestros argumentos.
Madam President, many sensible things have been said by my colleagues this evening, so I will get straight to the point.
Señora Presidenta, se han dicho muchas cosas sensatas esta noche, así que iré directamente al grano.
., I will get straight to the point without any preliminaries.
– Señor Presidente, puesto que ya son las diez de la noche, voy a ir directamente al grano sin preámbulos.
(NL) Mr President, I will get straight to the point.
(NL) Señor Presidente, iré al grano.
Mr President, I want to get straight to the point.
Señor Presidente, iré directo al tema.
Mr President, let us get straight to the point here.
Señor Presidente, vayamos al grano.
At this hour in the day and stage in the debate, I think it preferable and far more useful to get straight to the point with what I have to say.
A esta hora del día y a estas alturas del debate, pienso que no es deseable ni útil matizar demasiado mis palabras.
Let me get straight to the point: the Commission and the Council are trying to extend the deadlines in this report or to make them flexible.
Permítanme ir directamente al grano: la Comisión y el Consejo intentan extender los plazos previstos en este informe o flexibilizarlos.
To get straight to the point, it is not much, but the fact remains that countries wishing to join the European Union have of course undertaken to adopt the Community acquis.
Lamentablemente -lo digo ya de entrada-, no es mucho, pero en cualquier caso los países que aspiran a la adhesión se han comprometido, obviamente, a adoptar el acervo comunitario.
To get straight to the point which interests me, I would like to say that I come from the mountains, and in this debate I want to express the opinion of those who live and work in mountain regions.
Para llegar rápido al centro de la cuestión que me interesa, precisaré que procedo de la montaña y que quiero traer a este debate la opinión de quienes viven y trabajan en ella.
Therefore, Commissioner, I will get straight to the point by asking you what measures - and I use the plural here - the Commission intends to take in the short term to deal with these shortcomings.
Por consiguiente, señor Comisario, iré al grano y le preguntaré qué medidas -y uso el plural en este caso- piensa adoptar la Comisión a corto plazo para suprimir estas deficiencias.