
"to come into being" in Spanish

"to come into being" in Spanish

Context examples for "to come into being" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The single currency - the euro - will come into being at the beginning of the third stage.
La moneda única -el euro- empezará a existir al comienzo de esa tercera fase.
However, I cannot help thinking that this text has taken far too long to come into being.
No obstante, no puedo dejar de pensar que la génesis de este texto es mucho más larga.
Without the agreement of the Member State such a contract does not even come into being.
Sin el acuerdo del Estado miembro, dicho contrato ni siquiera existirá.
The directive on equal treatment should therefore not come into being at all.
Por consiguiente, la Directiva sobre igualdad de trato no debería hacerse realidad en absoluto.
If this is supposed to help it to come into being, I am sure no one will have any objections.
Si con esto se le ayuda a nacer, desde luego no seré yo quien ponga ninguna objeción.
Several Euroregion initiatives have come into being naturally, as bottom-up initiatives.
Han surgido varias iniciativas de Euroregión de manera natural, como iniciativas de fondo.
It is good that it has come into being and that it has now been submitted to us.
Es positivo que haya sido elaborado y se nos haya presentado.
The European Union has come into being thanks to the integration of nations.
La Unión Europea ha nacido gracias a la integración de naciones.
Fears that a first- and second-class EU could come into being have not been dispelled.
No ha desaparecido el temor de que se creen dos Europas, una de primera clase y una de segunda.
With majority participation, this Constitution will come into being.
Con una participación mayoritaria, esta Constitución saldrá adelante.
experience, wonderful Christian families have come into being which are
eclesial, han nacido espléndidas familias cristianas abiertas a la
It is due to the actions of Europe that this agency has come into being.
La agencia ha nacido gracias a la acción de los europeos.
At the time you said: " Yes, open declaration should come into being. "
Usted respondió entonces que se presentaría la propuesta.
With majority participation, this Constitution will come into being.
Francia ha dado recientemente un lamentable ejemplo de ello.
At the time you said: "Yes, open declaration should come into being."
Usted respondió entonces que se presentaría la propuesta.
We are speaking about an agreement which has not yet come into being.
Estamos hablando de un acuerdo que todavía no ha nacido.
A consensus has come into being around four basic points.
Se ha construido un consenso sobre cuatro cuestiones fundamentales.
Only once this condition has been met can a European market come into being.
Sólo entonces podrá surgir un mercado europeo.
Such organisations have only recently come into being in Poland, and they have suffered severe teething problems.
Dichas organizaciones son muy recientes en Polonia, y han sufrido graves problemas iniciales.
GALILEO will not come into being until American competition has cornered the European market, which will be too late.
Galileo llega una vez que la competencia estadounidense ha conquistado el mercado europeo.