
"to add insult to injury" in Spanish

"to add insult to injury" in Spanish
to add insult to injury
para colmo de males

Context examples for "to add insult to injury" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
To add insult to injury, the Council is not even represented here this evening.
Para coronar esta actitud el Consejo no se halla presente esta tarde.
To add insult to injury I was even stopped by the police for speeding on my way here this week.
Para colmo, la policía me multó por exceso de velocidad esta semana viniendo aquí.
To add insult to injury my suitcase was lost.
Para terminar de arreglar las cosas, extraviaron mi equipaje.
Adoption of amendments that play down the environmental threats will, frankly speaking, add insult to injury.
Si se aprueban las enmiendas que restan importancia a las amenazas medioambientales, lo que se hará será, para hablar claramente, sumar una injuria a un insulto.
to add insult to injury
para colmo de males
On our side we should be prepared to respond with a system of European civil justice which does not, as I have said earlier, just add insult to injury.
Por nuestra parte debemos estar dispuestos a responder con un sistema de justicia civil europea que evite el doble perjuicio de que he hablado anteriormente.
To add insult to injury, the exclusion of these countries has been deemed as necessary for the protection of the essential security interests of the United States.
Para añadir el insulto al agravio, se ha considerado que era necesaria la exclusión de esos países para la protección de los intereses de seguridad fundamentales de los Estados Unidos.
To add insult to injury, the Commission then went to the press with its plans for anti-dumping duties on leather shoes before even the Member States received the proposals, let alone this Parliament.
Necesitan confianza y esperanza que usted les niega; y por encima de todo, necesitan de usted innovación, ideas y gestión, que usted parece incapaz de darles.