"without payment" in Spanish
"without payment" in Spanish
without payment(also: for free, gratuitously, free, at no charge)
Similar translations for "without payment" in Spanish
to payverb
rendir- prestar (atención)- abonar- saldar- retribuir- integrar- correr (gastos)- poner (atención)- convenir- correr con- disparar- enterar- erogar- liquidar- poner- rayar- satisfacer- solventar- solventar- solventar- tributar- pagar- remunerar- cancelar- pagarle a- presentar- prestar- tributar- pagarse
Context examples for "without payment" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Embryos would have to be voluntarily donated with informed consent and without payment.
Los embriones deberían ser donados de forma voluntaria mediante consentimiento informado y sin remuneración alguna.
As a result, there can be no exchange of seed material between farmers without the payment of licence fees.
Con ello el intercambio de semillas entre agricultores es imposible sin pagar derechos de licencia.
Meanwhile, the oil disappears unhindered from these developing countries, often without fair payment reaching their treasuries.
Entretanto, el petróleo desaparece sin trabas de esos países en desarrollo, a menudo sin un pago justo que vaya a parar a sus erarios.
The second is, in the case of infringements of the rules being encountered, to allow the citizen to have the right to remove the vehicle from a Member State without payment of tax.
La segunda es que, en caso de infracción de normas encontradas, se reconozca al ciudadano el derecho de sacar su vehículo de un Estado miembro sin pagar impuestos.
Small firms usually do not have the sort of financial reserves that would allow them to pay their employees for several months without receiving payment for work carried out.
Normalmente, las pequeñas empresas no disponen de reservas financieras que les permitan pagar a su personal durante varios meses sin recibir el pago por los trabajos realizados.
One of the key issues is the question of whether doctors and medical personnel will be free to diagnose and treat people without a royalty payment to the patent-holder.
Una de las cuestiones clave es si los médicos y el personal médico tendrán la posibilidad de diagnosticar y tratar a las personas sin verse obligados a pagar un royalty al titular de la patente.
According to these proposals, persons or groups will a priori be immune from prosecution if they take illegal immigrants across borders for humanitarian reasons and without payment.
Según estas propuestas, de entrada se exime de responsabilidad a aquellas personas y grupos que ayudan a los inmigrantes ilegales a cruzar las fronteras por razones humanitarias y sin cobrar dinero.
Evidence shows that the prevalence of viruses and diseases which may be transmitted through blood is higher in those donors who are remunerated than those who donate without receiving payment.
Está demostrado que la preponderancia de virus y enfermedades transmisibles a través de la sangre es mucho más alta entre los donantes que son remunerados que entre aquellos a los que no se les paga.
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