
"several times" in Spanish

"several times" in Spanish
We were forced to experience this several times in the nineties.
Esto hemos tenido que vivirlo muchas veces en los años 90.
A special appointment procedure was agreed on and has been emphasised here several times.
Se ha acordado -esto ha sido destacado muchas veces- un procedimiento especial para el nombramiento.
That is something that has been repeated here several times, indeed many times, at Council level.
Eso es algo que se ha repetido aquí muchas veces, muchísimas veces, a nivel de Consejo.

Context examples for "several times" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Madam President, you have said several times that this is a very serious problem.
Señora Presidenta - usted lo ha dicho varias veces-, éste es un problema muy serio.
In this debate the influence of speculation has been mentioned several times.
En este debate se ha mencionado varias veces la influencia de la especulación.
I have mentioned several times that we need such European-level supervision.
He dicho ya en varias ocasiones que esa supervisión a escala europea es necesaria.
The European Parliament has already taken up Mr Zhisheng's case several times.
El Parlamento Europeo ya ha abordado el caso del señor Zhisheng en varias ocasiones.
Mr President, we have now heard it said several times that Echelon really does exist.
Señor Presidente, ya se ha repetido un par de veces: o sea que ECHELON existe.
The limit values have been reduced several times in the past, most recently in 1995.
Los valores límite se han reducido varias veces en el pasado, la última vez en 1995.
This proposal has already been put forward several times, but has never been tabled.
A pesar de haber sido anunciada en varias ocasiones, nunca ha llegado a presentarse.
Mr Brok and I stressed this several times at the Intergovernmental Conference.
El Sr. Brok y yo lo hemos señalado repetidamente en la Conferencia Intergubernamental.
One final word on net balances, an issue which was addressed several times.
Una última palabra sobre la cuestión planteada varias veces sobre los saldos netos.
The answer is basic and we have already stated it several times: political power.
La respuesta es elemental y lo hemos dicho ya varias veces: a cambio de poder político.
Commissioner, the word 'hope' appeared several times in your initial response.
Señor Comisario, la palabra «esperanza» aparece varias veces en su respuesta inicial.
It has already been said several times today that the truth must be taken into account.
Hoy se ha repetido en diversas ocasiones que debe tenerse en cuenta la verdad.
The rapporteur rightly mentioned the agreement with Morocco several times.
El ponente se ha referido reiterada y acertadamente al acuerdo con Marruecos.
The representatives of Memorial mentioned this several times in this House.
Los representantes del Memorial lo mencionaron varias veces en esta Cámara.
He has been convicted and imprisoned several times in the last few years.
Ha sido condenado y encarcelado en varias ocasiones durante los últimos años.
Mention was made several times of the issue of poverty, or rather energy poverty.
Se ha mencionado varias veces el asunto de la pobreza, o más bien, la pobreza energética.
This group has already met several times for this purpose since the beginning of the year.
Éste ya se ha reunido en varias ocasiones desde principios de año, con este fin.
Commission President, you have already cited Article 121 several times.
Señor Presidente de la Comisión, usted ha citado varias veces el artículo 121.
corresponding to the command that Christ gave Peter several times: "Feed
acepta la llamada según el mandato de Cristo dirigido más de una vez a Pedro:
(During the vote on the amendments, Mr Falconer requested the floor several times)
(Durante la votación de las enmiendas, el Sr. Falconer solicita repetidamente la palabra)