
"minimizar la importancia de" in English

"minimizar la importancia de" in English
to gloss over{vb} (make light of)
minimizar la importancia de
to gloss over

Context examples for "minimizar la importancia de" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
minimizar la importancia de
to gloss over
No hay que dejarse llevar porque a uno no le guste la energía nuclear y se oponga a su uso y minimizar la importancia de las normas que necesitamos.
There must be no tendency, just because one dislikes nuclear power and is against its use, to underplay the importance of the rules we need.
A mí me parece que no hay que minimizar la importancia de ello, y creo que el Gobierno del Sr.
I think we must not underestimate the importance of that and I think Mr Prodi's government has acted with delicacy, with what the Italians call finezza.
Sólo personas con una idea estrambótica de la vida y una perspectiva política peculiar pueden minimizar la importancia de la seguridad en la aviación en pro de sus objetivos nacionalistas.
Only people with a bizarre outlook on life and a peculiar political perspective can downgrade the importance of aviation safety in the pursuit of their own nationalistic objectives.