
"means of transportation" in Spanish

"means of transportation" in Spanish
means of transportation
medio de transporte

Context examples for "means of transportation" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It is also essential to prepare for the means of transportation and interconnection which will promote a truly European space.
Por otra parte, es indispensable preparar los medios de transporte e interconexión, que favorecerán un verdadero espacio europeo.
means of transportation
medio de transporte
Although there will no longer be a duty- and tax-free system there will be captive customers around the airports and on other means of transportation and therefore a substantial demand.
Aunque dejará de haber un sistema de ventas libres de impuestos y derechos aduaneros, habrá la demanda ya creada en torno a los aeropuertos y en otros medios de transporte, que es importante.