
"lindo" in English

lindo{adjective masculine}
bonnie{adj.} [Brit.]
bonny{adj.} [Brit.]
¿Prefiere que Windows se ejecute más rápido o que se vea más lindo?
Would you rather have Windows run faster or look prettier?
no era nada lindo de ver
it wasn't a pretty sight
comely{adj.} [poet.]
dinky{adj.} [Brit.] [coll.] (cute)
lovely{adj.} (face, hair, voice, figure)
ese vestido te queda muy lindo
that dress looks lovely on you
nice{adj.} (attractive, appealing)
Lo lindo de usar Media Center para organizar esas fotografías es que realiza la mayor parte del trabajo por usted.
The nice thing about using Media Center to organize those photos is that it does most of the work for you.
ese vestido te queda muy lindo
you look very nice in that dress
nice{adj.} (enjoyable)
Lo lindo de usar Media Center para organizar esas fotografías es que realiza la mayor parte del trabajo por usted.
The nice thing about using Media Center to organize those photos is that it does most of the work for you.
ese vestido te queda muy lindo
you look very nice in that dress
lindo(also: bonito)
nice-looking{adj.} (place)
canta muy lindo
he sings beautifully
prettily{adv.} (sing)

Context examples for "lindo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
¡qué lindo sería poder ir contigo!
it would be wonderful to be able to go with you!
el periodista lo baqueteó de lo lindo
the reporter gave him a very hard time
todo el mundo se divirtió de lo lindo
a good time was had by all
ese vestido te queda muy lindo
you look very nice in that dress
ese vestido te queda muy lindo
that dress looks lovely on you
nos divertimos de lo lindo
we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves
divertirse de lo lindo
to have the time of one's life
nos divertimos de lo lindo
we had a whale of a time
nos divertimos de lo lindo
we had a riotous time
nos reímos de lo lindo
we laughed till we cried
nos divertimos de lo lindo
we had a great time
chismosear de lo lindo
to have a good bitch
trabajamos de lo lindo
we worked like crazy
cotillear de lo lindo
to have a good bitch
chismear de lo lindo
to have a good bitch
chusmear de lo lindo
to have a good bitch
nos divertimos de lo lindo
we had a ball
pelar de lo lindo
to have a good bitch
canta muy lindo
he sings beautifully
se siente lindo
it feels wonderful