
"in spite of the fact that" in Spanish

"in spite of the fact that" in Spanish
Sometimes, the Chamber is all but empty, in spite of the fact that interesting issues are being debated.
A veces, a pesar de que se debaten asuntos de importancia, la Sala está casi vacía.
This is in spite of the fact that women make up approximately 60% of university graduates.
Y eso a pesar de que las mujeres representan aproximadamente el 60 % de los titulados universitarios.
Discharge is granted in spite of the fact that we do not know if everything has proceeded correctly.
Se aprueba la gestión a pesar de que no sabemos si todo se ha llevado a cabo de manera correcta.

Similar translations for "in spite of the fact that" in Spanish
el- los- la- las
to thepreposition
Context examples for "in spite of the fact that" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Today, the Commission is my ally, in spite of the fact that the reform does not go far enough.
Los pequeños agricultores, los consumidores y los países pobres son los que acusan el golpe.
Sometimes, the Chamber is all but empty, in spite of the fact that interesting issues are being debated.
A veces, a pesar de que se debaten asuntos de importancia, la Sala está casi vacía.
Today, the Commission is my ally, in spite of the fact that the reform does not go far enough.
Hoy la Comisión es mi aliada, a pesar del hecho de que la reforma no va suficientemente lejos.
This is in spite of the fact that women make up approximately 60% of university graduates.
Y eso a pesar de que las mujeres representan aproximadamente el 60 % de los titulados universitarios.
Discharge is granted in spite of the fact that we do not know if everything has proceeded correctly.
Se aprueba la gestión a pesar de que no sabemos si todo se ha llevado a cabo de manera correcta.
In spite of this fact, protection for autochthonous minorities in Europe is not seen as a priority.
A pesar de ello, en Europa la protección de las minorías autóctonas no es vista como una prioridad.
Mr President, I voted against Mr Berend’ s report, in spite of the fact that it was an excellent report.
Señor Presidente, he votado en contra del informe Berend, a pesar de que era un informe excelente.
Mr President, I voted against MrBerend’s report, in spite of the fact that it was an excellent report.
Señor Presidente, he votado en contra del informe Berend, a pesar de que era un informe excelente.
This is the case, in spite of the fact that it is not the EU, but only the Member States, which belong to the organisation.
Así es, aunque los miembros de la organización son los Estados de la Unión y no la UE.
In spite of the fact that the Directive has been in force since 1975, its results have been conspicuous by their absence.
A pesar de que la directiva entró en vigor en 1975, los resultados se hacen aún esperar.
In spite of the fact that work on the budget has, then, proceeded well, we see a number of problems for the future.
A pesar de que los trabajos presupuestarios han sido eficaces, vemos algunos problemas futuros.
We have accepted large reductions in payments in spite of the fact that we already have a mountain of payments before us.
Hemos aceptados grandes restricciones en los pagos, a pesar de que existen montañas de pagos por hacer.
We need a global code of ethics and global principles of action, in spite of the fact that different cultures exist.
Necesitamos un código de ética mundial y principios de acción mundiales, a pesar de que existen diferentes culturas.
In spite of the fact that this is a document of several hundred pages, it is a programme which, in general, is well put together.
A pesar de que ése es un documento que consta de cientos de páginas, es un programa de carácter general.
This is in spite of the fact that the engines in question would easily meet all noise and emissions standards.
Esto es así a pesar del hecho de que los motores en cuestión cumplirían fácilmente los niveles aceptados de ruido y emisiones.
This is in spite of the fact that the new Member States actually have some of the highest rates of economic growth.
Y eso a pesar de que los nuevos Estados miembros tienen de hecho algunas de las tasas más altas de crecimiento económico.
It is good for us that we have the power to do this, in spite of the fact that we are not completely satisfied.
Es provechoso para nosotros, si tenemos la fuerza suficiente para hacerlo, a pesar de que no estamos completamente satisfechos.
In spite of the fact that I consider ratification to be very important in itself, I still do not think it is yet possible.
A pesar de que considero muy importante la ratificación en sí del Protocolo, estimo que todavía no es posible hacerlo.
In spite of the fact that up to 10000 people are implicated in war crimes, only 34public indictments have been made.
A pesar de que hay hasta 10000 personas implicadas en los crímenes de guerra, solo se han formulado 34 acusaciones públicas.
And that in spite of the fact that, for years prior to 1991, these products were eaten by consumers in my country and elsewhere.
Y eso a pesar de que antes de 1991, los consumidores, entre otros en mi país, llevaban años consumiendo estos productos.