
"esas" in English

"esas" in English
esas{pronoun feminine plural}
"esas" in Spanish
Esas son las perspectivas financieras que este Parlamento quisiera votar.
That is the financial perspective on which this Parliament would like to vote.
Tenemos foros y convenios internacionales que abordan esas cuestiones.
We have international fora and conventions that cover these matters.
Así no tendríamos que contar vacas y campos en barbecho y todas esas cosas.
We should not have to count cows and set-aside fields and all that kind of thing.
esas(also: esos)
them{adj.} [dial.]
A esas señales nos dirigimos para indicarlas, abrazarlas y alentarlas.
It is these signs that we are turning to, to point them out, embrace them and encourage them.
¿Podemos considerar esta solución como precedente para esas otras especialidades?
Can this now be regarded as setting a precedent for all of them?
En conciencia, señor Presidente, Señorías, no podíamos defraudar esas esperanzas.
In all conscience, Mr President, we cannot disappoint them.
esas{pronoun feminine plural}
Es difícil desarrollar métodos de tratamiento eficaces para esas dolencias.
It is difficult to develop successful treatment methods for those illnesses.
En esas circunstancias, no es apropiado aplicar el principio cautelar.
In those circumstances it is not appropriate to apply the precautionary principle.
Como pueden ver, dicho documento recoge muchas de esas indicaciones, muchas de esas sugerencias.
As you will see, the document takes up many of those recommendations and suggestions.
that{pron.} (demonstrative)
Como pueden ver, dicho documento recoge muchas de esas indicaciones, muchas de esas sugerencias.
As you will see, the document takes up many of those recommendations and suggestions.
Con ese espíritu de compromiso y con espíritu navideño, creo que podemos aceptar esas propuestas.
In this spirit of compromise and also in the Christmas spirit, I feel that we can accommodate these proposals.
Esas otras medidas pueden permitirse en esas circunstancias.
That other measure can be allowed in those circumstances.
ESA{noun} [abbreviation]
AEE{noun} [abbr.] (Agencia Espacial Europea)
The ESA is fortunate in that it escapes the cumbersome bureaucracy of paralysing procedures.
La AEE tiene la suerte de escapar a la pesadez burocrática de procedimientos paralizantes.
Let us, above all, try to avoid turning the ESA into a European institution.
Ante todo no intentemos hacer de la AEE una institución europea.
This must be made clear at the ESA ministerial meeting.
Tenemos que dejar esto claro en la reunión ministerial de la AEE.

Context examples for "esas" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
empobrecieron en medios y agentes de pastoral, pero esas mismas pruebas la han
of recent years have made the Church poorer in material resources and personnel,
¿Podría precisar esas relaciones, principalmente en las operaciones open market?
Could you specify these links, in particular in respect of open market operations?
Sin embargo, tampoco queremos financiar esas medidas en los países en desarrollo.
However, we do not want to fund these measures in developing countries either.
por parte de todos y, en particular, de esas personas que en todos los países
behaviour on the part of everyone, particularly people, who in every country and
Pero todas esas excelentes disposiciones han desaparecido en la versión final.
All these excellent provisions, however, have disappeared from the final version.
Por esas razones, sólo los párrafos 6a) y 6b) de la enmienda nº 154 son aceptables.
For these reasons, only paragraphs 6a and 6b in Amendment No 154 are acceptable.
No es un texto perfecto y no debemos eludir la respuesta a esas preocupaciones.
It is not a perfect text and we should not hide from responding to these concerns.
La distribución de las ayudas para partes de esas regiones es inquietante y difusa.
The phasing out of assistance to parts of these regions is worrying and unclear.
¿Podría precisar esas relaciones, principalmente en las operaciones open market ?
Could you specify these links, in particular in respect of open market operations?
Por desgracia, en diciembre de 2006 se había avanzado muy poco en esas cuestiones.
Unfortunately in December 2006 there has been little progress on either issue.
Por ese motivo, hemos decidido plantear esas cuestiones a la Comisión y al Consejo.
This is why we decided to submit these questions to the Commission and Council.
Esas personas, unos pocos miles, no pueden ser repatriados a sus países de origen.
These people, a few thousand, cannot be returned to their countries of origin.
Todas esas personas tendrán que alimentarse y vestirse y necesitarán agua limpia.
All of these people will need to be fed and clothed and they will need clean water.
Pero, si me lo permiten, quiero referirme solo a dos o tres de esas cuestiones.
However, if I may be so bold, I would like to touch on two or three elements.
Lo que ocurre es que cada vez menos convertimos esas ideas en productos reales.
We just manage less and less often to convert these ideas into real products.
Como han dicho los dos, hemos llegado a una fase decisiva en esas negociaciones.
As they have both said, we have reached a very critical stage in these negotiations.
Dado que esas medicinas duran cinco años, ciertamente hace falta trazar un plan.
As these medicines keep for five years, there certainly needs to be a plan drawn up.
En 2006 la cifra de personas infectadas en esas regiones aumentó a 1,7 millones.
In 2006 the number of infected people in these regions rose to 1.7 million.
La aplicación de esas leyes ayudaría a identificar el empleo de inmigrantes ilegales.
Applying these laws also helps to identify the employment of illegal immigrants.
Los avances de Europa en la consecución de esas metas prácticamente se han detenido.
Europe's progress towards realising these objectives has almost come to a halt.