
"despite the fact that" in Spanish

"despite the fact that" in Spanish
Despite the fact that the economic reality is changing, policy has to remain fixed.
A pesar de que la realidad económica cambia, la política está donde mismo.
Despite the fact that we are all voting 'yes' today, we are not uncritical.
A pesar de que todos nosotros votaremos a favor en este día, tenemos nuestras críticas.
100 remain in custody, despite the fact that the government now claims there are none.
Cien permanecen bajo arresto policial, a pesar de que el Gobierno afirma que no hay ninguna.

Similar translations for "despite the fact that" in Spanish
el- los- la- las
to thepreposition
Context examples for "despite the fact that" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Despite the fact that the economic reality is changing, policy has to remain fixed.
A pesar de que la realidad económica cambia, la política está donde mismo.
Despite the fact that we are all voting 'yes' today, we are not uncritical.
A pesar de que todos nosotros votaremos a favor en este día, tenemos nuestras críticas.
This is happening despite the fact that slavery was prohibited more than 250 years ago.
Está sucediendo pese a que la esclavitud se prohibió hace más de 250 años.
Despite the fact that the ECB has capitalised the banks, it is not being passed on.
A pesar de que el BCE ha capitalizado a los bancos, estos fondos no llegan a las empresas.
Assyrian, however, is not, despite the fact that more than 10% of the population speak it.
Sin embargo, no así el asirio, a pesar de que lo hable más del 10% de la población.
He did sign it, despite the fact that very few changes were made in terms of quality.
Sí lo firmó, a pesar de que se habían introducido muy pocos cambios en términos de calidad.
100 remain in custody, despite the fact that the government now claims there are none.
Cien permanecen bajo arresto policial, a pesar de que el Gobierno afirma que no hay ninguna.
Despite the fact that the Treaty does not require it, the Council has chosen to ask for an opinion.
A pesar de que el Tratado no lo exige, el Consejo ha preferido pedir una opinión.
This is despite the fact that access is sometimes guaranteed by law.
Esto pese al hecho de que dicho acceso a veces está garantizado por ley.
I will therefore vote against it, despite the fact that it contains a number of positive elements.
Por ello, voto en contra a pesar de que contiene algunos elementos positivos.
This work has gone quite quickly despite the fact that it took a little time at the beginning.
Este trabajo se ha realizado con gran celeridad, a pesar de que tardó algo al comienzo.
Despite the fact that there has been a change of government, there seems to be no change in policy.
Pese a que ha habido un cambio de gobierno, no parece haber un cambio de política.
I say that, despite the fact that my ordinary profession is within the area of internal medicine.
Esto lo digo a pesar de que mi profesión está dentro del campo de la medicina interna.
I have voted against the Meier report despite the fact that it contains many positive features.
He votado en contra del informe Meier a pesar de que encierra muchos aspectos positivos.
This is despite the fact that there is only one member of staff working at SOLVIT in Lithuania.
Esto es a pesar de que, en Lituania, SOLVIT solo cuenta con un empleado.
It costs more to be located there despite the fact that transport aid is received.
Verdaderamente, resulta más costoso establecerse en este lugar aunque se reciban ayudas al transporte.
And this is despite the fact that there they have one common language throughout the entire country.
Y todo ello a pesar de que en todo el país no hay más que una lengua común.
Women, despite the fact that they make up over 50 % of the population, are still discriminated against.
Las mujeres, pese a constituir más del 50 % de la población, siguen discriminadas.
This is happening despite the fact that the first timber agreement came into being as long as 20 years ago.
Ocurre a pesar de que el primer acuerdo sobre la madera nació hace veinte años.
That is the situation, despite the fact that the Hungarian party is part of the ruling coalition.
Esta es la situación, pese a que el partido húngaro forme parte de la coalición gobernante.