
"pointlessness" in Spanish

It is pointless for me to go back to compromises that were never on the table.
Es inútil que me refiera a compromisos que nunca estuvieron sobre la mesa.
. – Yes, because I believe that this measure is not only wrong but also pointless, absolutely pointless.
– Sí, porque creo que esta medida no solo es errónea sino inútil, absolutamente inútil.
Any pointless legislation should be repealed, and necessary legislation properly applied.
Conviene revocar toda legislación inútil y aplicar debidamente la que es necesaria.
All of this creates pointless bureaucracy that frightens industry away.
Todo esto crea una burocracia sin sentido que ahuyenta a la industria.
We should not waste any more taxpayers' money on this pointless political gesture.
No deberíamos desperdiciar más dinero de los contribuyentes en un gesto político sin sentido.
It is a murderous, pointless war that simply cannot be won.
Es una guerra homicida y sin sentido que sencillamente no se puede ganar.
ocioso{adj. m}
The UN Conference is pointless if it remains bogged down in fine promises and vague declarations.
La Conferencia de la ONU no tendrá ningún sentido si no va más allá de hermosas promesas y vagas declaraciones.
A European repeat of these debacles appears completely pointless to me.
Me parece que carece de sentido que haya una repetición europea de este fiasco.
If pointless expenses are being made then we should stop them.
Si se están produciendo gastos injustificados, debemos ponerles fin.
However, pointless expenses only exist in national budgets of Member States, not in our tiny community budget.
Pero los gastos injustificados existen solo en los presupuestos nacionales de los Estados miembros, no en nuestro diminuto presupuesto comunitario.
It is pointless to try to define the point at which life begins.
Resulta vano pretender definir el principio de la vida.
So why is this Parliament again indulging in pointless activity by writing, debating and voting on this report?
Por tanto,¿por qué sigue dedicándose el Parlamento en vano a redactar, debatir y votar este informe?
So why is this Parliament again indulging in pointless activity by writing, debating and voting on this report?
Por tanto, ¿por qué sigue dedicándose el Parlamento en vano a redactar, debatir y votar este informe?

Synonyms (English) for "pointlessness":
Context examples for "pointlessness" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
This also demonstrates the utter pointlessness of this Parliament and its committee system.
Esto también demuestra la total inutilidad de este Parlamento y de su sistema de comisiones.