
"it seems like" in Spanish

"it seems like" in English
Instead, it seems like an attempt to impose the prestige of Germany at the expense of the principles of parity and equality between Member States on which the EU is founded.
En lugar de eso, parece un intento de imponer el prestigio de Alemania a expensas de los principios de paridad e igualdad entre los Estados miembros en los que se basa la UE.

Similar translations for "it seems like" in Spanish
Context examples for "it seems like" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Now, twenty years after the fall of Communism, it all seems like a bad dream.
Ahora, veinte años después de la caída del Comunismo, todo esto parece un mal sueño.
I shall not speak of this chaotic, free Iraq which often seems like hell.
No hablaré de la tremenda corrupción ni de la malversación de las riquezas petroleras.
The crisis is hitting economies and unemployment seems like the fifth horse of the Apocalypse.
La crisis golpea las economías y el paro parece el quinto caballo del Apocalipsis.
I shall not speak of this chaotic, free Iraq which often seems like hell.
No hablaré de ese Iraq caótico y libre que a menudo parece un infierno.
Coming from a new Member State, this scaremongering seems like déjà vu.
Como procedo de uno de los nuevos Estados miembros, este alarmismo me resulta conocido.
This seems like a good idea to us and we should probably do the same thing.
Nos parece bien y nosotros probablemente deberíamos hacer lo mismo.
Any talk of a European social model seems like a step in the wrong direction.
Cualquier cosa que se diga sobre un modelo social europeo parece un paso en la dirección equivocada.
This seems like a reasonable solution to me, so I voted in favour.
A mí me parece una solución razonable y, por tanto, he votado a favor.
It seems like an endless list, and sadly it is an endless list.
Parece una lista larguísima y, por desgracia, es una lista larguísima.
The new India sometimes seems like one world in a single country.
La nueva India parece a veces un mundo entero en un solo país.
Achieving the target of allocating 3% of the EU's GDP to research by 2010 already seems like an illusion.
Incluso el objetivo de asignar un 3% del PIB de la UE a la investigación en 2010 ya parece ilusorio.
Achieving the target of allocating 3 % of the EU's GDP to research by 2010 already seems like an illusion.
Incluso el objetivo de asignar un 3 % del PIB de la UE a la investigación en 2010 ya parece ilusorio.
Sometimes, this almost seems like a game or hypocrisy.
A veces esto llega a parecer un juego o hipocresía.
It seems like there's always something going on with his PC.
Parece que a su PC siempre le ocurre algo.
Then we had a pledge of a common European energy policy, but three years on it seems like nothing has changed.
A continuación se nos prometió una política energética europea, y tres años después parece que nada ha cambiado.
The proposal for a European Union seat that may be rotated between the Member States seems like an excellent idea.
La propuesta de un puesto de la Unión Europea que se pueda rotar entre los Estados miembros parece una excelente idea.
It rather seems like a contradiction in terms.
Creo que es una contradicción in terminis.
That being the case, taking away all room for manoeuvre from Member States in this area seems like an irresponsible move.
En tal caso, dejar a los Estados miembros sin margen de maniobra en esta área se antoja una decisión irresponsable.
It concerns human rights and the fight against terrorism, which in many ways seems like a contradiction in terms.
Se refiere a los derechos humanos y la lucha contra el terrorismo, que en muchos aspectos parece una contradicción en los términos.
Following the trialogue, apart from the problem with the Annex, the text being put to the vote seems like a good one to me.
Tras el diálogo a tres bandas, al margen del problema con el anexo, el texto que se va a someter a votación me parece válido.