
"eso parece" in English

"eso parece" in English
En lugar de eso, parece un intento de imponer el prestigio de Alemania a expensas de los principios de paridad e igualdad entre los Estados miembros en los que se basa la UE.
Instead, it seems like an attempt to impose the prestige of Germany at the expense of the principles of parity and equality between Member States on which the EU is founded.

Context examples for "eso parece" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Por eso parece estar ahora menos dispuesto a invertir en otros países de Mercosur.
The country therefore seems less prepared to invest in other Mercosur countries.
Eso se parece sospechosamente mucho al adagio private profit and public risk.
It is suspiciously reminiscent of the old saying 'private profit and public risk '.
Eso me parece razonable, también me parece que va en interés de toda esta Cámara.
That seems reasonable to me; it also seems to me in the interest of this entire House.
Me parece que eso tiene potencial para convertirse en la nueva política de pesca común.
This, it seems to me, has the potential of being a new common fisheries policy.
Como pasajero habitual, eso me parece difícil, si no imposible, de creer.
As a regular air traveller, I find that difficult, if not impossible, to believe.
Eso me parece una sanción que afectaría a los políticos, pero no al pueblo.
That seems to me to be a sanction that would hit the politicians, but not the people.
Y, por eso, no nos parece que debamos aceptar la primera parte de la enmienda nº 23.
We are therefore not inclined to retain the first part of Amendment No 23.
Eso parece. ¿No se trata de un interés demasiado unilateral del gobierno neerlandés?
Is that not simply the Netherlands Government acting in its own interests?
Por eso me parece especialmente destacable el contenido del artículo 4 ...
I therefore feel that the content of Article 4 is particularly worth highlighting...
Por eso me parece especialmente destacable el contenido del artículo 4...
I therefore feel that the content of Article 4 is particularly worth highlighting...
En consecuencia, eso ya no parece ser suficiente para proporcionar legitimidad a la Unión.
As a result, that no longer seems enough on its own to give the Union legitimacy.
Eso nos parece inaceptable, dada la función del Parlamento como guardián de la legislación.
This we find unacceptable, given Parliament's role as scrutineer of legislation.
Al menos eso parece ser lo que dijeron la señora Merkel y el señor Sarkozy la semana pasada.
At least that is what Mrs Merkel and Mr Sarkozy appeared to be saying last week.
Por eso, me parece necesario empezar situando las cosas en perspectiva.
It therefore seems to me to be necessary to start by putting this into perspective.
No me parece que eso sea un gran logro de la Presidencia austriaca.
This does not seem to me to be an impressive result for the Austrian Presidency.
Como puede que se hayan percatado ya, a mí eso me parece una idea muy buena.
As you might have noticed, I personally consider this a very good idea.
Eso me parece muy lamentable. Realmente me habría gustado que fuese superior.
I find that very disappointing; I really would have liked to see more.
No obstante, en estos momentos eso parece poco factible por diferentes motivos.
However, this seems at present not feasible for different reasons.
Eso nos parece también un ejemplo impulsado por este tipo de programas.
We think that this is another example driven by this type of programme.
Me parece que eso es lo que esperan los contribuyentes europeos de nosotros.
I believe this is what the taxpayers of Europe would expect of us.