
"querer" in English

A la presidencia del Grupo, quiero decirle que en Alemania tendemos a querer decidir todo en Europa.
To the group chair, I would like to say that we have a tendency in Germany to want to decide everything in Europe.
Quisiera una respuesta sobre esta cuestión, y también, claro, que se corrijan las actas.
I should like a reply on this and I should like the Minutes to be corrected.
Sin embargo, queremos enfatizar que no podemos seguir así en el futuro.
However, we would like to emphasise that we cannot carry on like this in the future.
wanna (to want to) {vb} [Amer.] [coll.]
to care for {vb} (be fond of)
Pero tengamos cuidado, ahora no se trata de querer hacerlo todo a la vez en un arrebato de entusiasmo.
However, we should take care, in our enthusiasm, not to bite off more than we can chew.
Esta comunicación de la Comisión parece querer estudiar cómo restringir la oferta de la salud.
This communication from the Commission seems to be seeking to ascertain how best to restrict the supply of health care.
Queremos asegurarnos de que se prestará atención a los ganaderos y a sus familias.
We want to make sure that farmers and their families are taken care of.
to please[pleased · pleased] {v.i.} (choose)
En primer lugar, quiero pedir que dejemos de vender armas a estos países de inmediato.
Firstly, I call for us to please stop the sale of arms to these countries immediately.
Al distribuir las carteras quiso usted complacer a los elementos más conservadores de Europa.
When allocating the portfolios you wanted to please Europe’s most conservative elements.
Lo único que quiero decir al Comisario es lo siguiente:¿podría decirnos qué asesoramiento sigue?
The only thing I want to say to the Commissioner is, could he please tell us which advice he is taking?
to wish[wished · wished] {v.t.} [form.] (want)
El Parlamento Europeo no puede querer eliminar estos valores.
The European Parliament cannot wish to remove these values.
El hecho de querer ir más lejos sería igualmente irresponsable.
It would be just as irresponsible to wish to go further.
Nisticò sigue sin querer cumplir.
I understand that it is an agreement by which Mr Nisticò still does not wish to stand.
will[would · would] {vb} (modal verb)
El esfuerzo valdrá la pena si le permite conseguir el objetivo que afirma querer conseguir.
It will be worth the effort if it enables you to achieve the objective that you say you want to achieve.
Tendremos que poder y querer apoyar a los promotores para que cumplan con los requisitos técnicos.
We will have to be able and want to give support to promoters to meet the technical requirements.
A nosotros corresponde saber y querer explotarlas.
It is up to us to be able to and willing to exploit these means.
querer(also: desear)
Nosotros no queremos hacernos dependientes, ni nadie debe querer serlo.
We do not want to become dependent - and neither should anybody else.
Pueden querer que algo ocurra, lo pueden querer mucho, pero tienen que ver la realidad.
You can want something to happen - you can want something to happen very badly - but you need to see the reality.
Es difícil querer más Europa sin un presupuesto suficientemente dotado.
It is difficult to want more Europe without an adequate budget.
Se trata de violencia entre personas que en algún momento se han tenido que querer.
This is an issue of violence between people who at some point must have loved each other.
Creo firmemente que no nacemos queriendo a los animales, pero tenemos el deber de respetarlos.
I firmly believe that we are not bound to love animals but that we do have a duty to respect them.
Quiéralas, y ellas le querrán a usted.
Love them and they will love you back.
wanna {v.t.} [coll.] (want to)
– Quiero plantear un asunto que, lamentablemente, está pendiente desde agosto de 2003.
– I wish to raise a matter which, unfortunately, has been pending since August 2003.
No, quiero decir que desde agosto han sucedido varias cosas, después de todo.
No, I mean, certain things have happened since August, after all.
Por tanto, una vez ganadas, queremos conservarlas, ya que así nos lo exige la gente.
Therefore, having gained them, we want to keep them, since that is what the people demand.

Context examples for "querer" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Este Parlamento pierde toda credibilidad al querer flexibilizar los límites de ruido.
The House would lose all credibility if it decided to relax the noise limits now.
No debemos querer responder a todo precio a un mercado en constante evolución.
We must not seek to respond at any price to a constantly developing market.
Dicho esto, soy por supuesto el primero en querer dar carácter preceptivo a este Código.
Having said that, I am of course the first to want to make such a code mandatory.
La Unión Europea no puede querer tirar con una mano lo que da con la otra.
The European Union cannot take away with one hand what it has given with the other.
Nisticò sigue sin querer cumplir.
I understand that it is an agreement by which Mr Nisticò still does not wish to stand.
Querer generalizar la práctica de las 60 o 65 horas es contrario al progreso social.
It is without any hesitation whatsoever that I endorse the text presented by Mr Cercas.
Ante todo, que la unidad de Europa no puede querer decir uniformidad lingüística.
Next, that every language is deserving of respect and deserves to be promoted and defended.
Se trata de violencia entre personas que en algún momento se han tenido que querer.
This is an issue of violence between people who at some point must have loved each other.
Doy las gracias a quienes piden ayuda por querer ayudar también a sus propios países.
I thank those who are asking for help, for wanting to help their own countries as well.
Lejos de querer suprimir derechos adquiridos, pretendemos reforzarlos.
Far from wishing to encroach upon acquired rights, we seek to reinforce them.
Sería inútil, creo yo, querer limitarla con un mandato definido de antemano.
I think that there would be no point into trying to shackle it with a predefined mandate.
Parecen no querer conflictos internos pero¿para qué se firman los Tratados?
It seems that you do not want internal conflicts, so why sign Treaties?
Desconocer este movimiento es como querer parar un tornado con un banderita de hacer señales.
Trying to ignore this change is as futile as trying to stop the tide coming in.
Ahora bien, esto no significa querer un enfoque puramente contable.
That does not mean, however, that we want a purely accountancy-based approach.
Es lamentable que el Parlamento parezca querer dar marcha atrás al tiempo.
It is regrettable that Parliament seems to want to turn the clock back.
¿Cómo entonces querer encontrar soluciones armonizadas a escala europea?
So how is it therefore possible to find solutions standardised for the whole of Europe?
Por consiguiente, no creo que existan motivos para querer la posibilidad de la marcha atrás.
Therefore, I do not think there are any grounds for wanting a callback possibility.
¿Qué podríamos querer hacer con estas resoluciones si no es hacer cumplir las sanciones?
What could we possibly aim to do with these resolutions other than enforcing sanctions?
Los ministros de Hacienda deberían querer cambiar también un sistema de este tipo.
It ought to be the Finance Ministers' first priority to want to change a system of this kind.
A mi modo de ver, no se trata de querer enviar a casa a la Comisión.
In my view, this is not a question of wanting to send the Commission packing.