
"as it seems" in Spanish

"as it seems" in English
That is to be welcomed, not feared as Mr Bonde seems to think.
Se debe acoger con beneplácito y no con miedo, como parece pensar el Sr.
I believe we shall be obliged to be consistent if things do not go well, as seems likely.
Creo que tendremos que ser coherentes, caso de que, como parece, las cosas no marchen positivamente.
That is how the plan seems to be evolving.
Así es como parece evolucionar el plan.

Similar translations for "as it seems" in Spanish
Context examples for "as it seems" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It seems to us that the import of the proposal being put to us is very positive.
Nos parece que el sentido de la propuesta que se nos presenta es muy positivo.
In this regard, the federal institutional framework seems particularly suitable.
A este respecto, el marco institucional federal parece especialmente adecuado.
The country therefore seems less prepared to invest in other Mercosur countries.
Por eso parece estar ahora menos dispuesto a invertir en otros países de Mercosur.
The services directive seems to have sorted itself out to everyone’s satisfaction.
La Directiva sobre servicios parece haberse solucionado a satisfacción de todos.
(FR) Mr President, at the end of the day, it seems to me that we are very divided.
(FR) Señor Presidente, al final tengo la sensación de que estamos muy divididos.
It seems to me that Mr Piebalgs was implying that he favoured something similar.
Me parece que el Señor Piebalgs daba a entender que estaba a favor de algo similar.
Their absence seems to be a fact of life, particularly in the healthcare sector.
Su ausencia parece un hecho, en particular en el sector de la asistencia sanitaria.
I am pleased to note that there now seems to be a land-use plan for that area.
Me complace señalar que parece que ya hay un plan de uso del suelo para la zona..
In the current situation, that seems to be the only path that can be proposed.
En la situación actual, esta trayectoria me parece la única que puede proponerse.
It seems that it is difficult to voice unadorned criticism of political friends.
Parece que resulta difícil criticar lisa y llanamente a los amigos políticos.
Even so, the report seems to me to have a rather 'holier-than-thou ' aura to it.
Por esta razón, creo que el presente informe da muestras de una cierta mojigatería.
The services directive seems to have sorted itself out to everyone ’ s satisfaction.
La Directiva sobre servicios parece haberse solucionado a satisfacción de todos.
Therefore, it seems to me that this is only a way of avoiding a sensitive debate.
Por tanto, me parece que esta solo es una forma de eludir un debate delicado.
Even so, the report seems to me to have a rather 'holier-than-thou' aura to it.
Por esta razón, creo que el presente informe da muestras de una cierta mojigatería.
It seems to me that these are, let us say, criteria which are possible to fulfil.
Considero que se trata, por así decirlo, de criterios que es posible cumplir.
The see the human family united around a single event seems to me prodigious.
Me parece prodigioso que la familia humana pueda comulgara con el mismo evento.
Five years after Rio, it seems that seventy species are disappearing every day.
Se comprueba que desaparecen cada día 70 especies, cinco años después de Río.
In my view, the report seems too radical, and this is why I voted to reject it.
En mi opinión, el informe parece demasiado radical y, por ello, he votado en contra.
On the whole, however, the conclusion of this report seems to me to be the right one.
Finalmente, la resolución que se nos propone presenta contradicciones evidentes.
It seems that we will have to await the Laeken guidelines in order to get under way.
Parece que habría que esperar las orientaciones de Laeken para ponerse en marcha.