
"parece mentira" in English

"parece mentira" in English

Context examples for "parece mentira" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Parece mentira que no tuviéramos el mismo sistema para los medicamentos.
It is hard to believe that we have not had the same thing for medicines.
Parece mentira pero tuve que hacer entonces esta entrevista en directo a través de mi teléfono móvil.
It was too silly for words, but I had to do a live interview on my mobile phone.
Parece mentira que por este precio tan sumamente reducido se pueda cumplir un ideal tan alto.
It is amazing that we can achieve such a high ideal at such a low cost.
parece mentira que a tu edad te dé por hacer esas tonterías
I'm amazed at you getting up to such silly antics at your age
(DE) Señora Presidenta, parece mentira que nuestras relaciones con Rusia se basen en un acuerdo que data de 1994.
(DE) Madam President, it is hardly conceivable that our relations with Russia are based on an agreement dating from 1994.
parece mentira que no haya venido a verme
I can't believe that he hasn't been to see me
parece mentira que sean tan tontos
they're so stupid it's not true
Parece mentira que, de veintidós directrices para el empleo, ninguna se refiera a la reducción efectiva del horario de trabajo.
Is it conceivable that out of twenty-two guidelines on employment, there is not a single one on the effective reduction of working hours.
Parece mentira que el Parlamento, en su calidad de institución creada en el marco del Tratado, haya contravenido durante veinte largos años lo dispuesto en el mismo.
This was an infringement of the Treaty perpetrated for 20 years by Parliament as an institution under the Treaty.
¡parece mentira!
blow me down!
Parece mentira que aún se admitan en la Unión Europea aeronaves equipadas con lotes de «Hushkits» o el abuso en las exenciones concedidas en el apartado 1 del artículo 4.
It is unbelievable that aircraft fitted with hushkits should still be allowed within the EuropeanUnion, and that the exemptions granted in Article 4(1) should be abused.
De lo contrario -parece mentira que haya que recordar semejantes evidencias-, deja de ser un conjunto europeo, es una etapa en la construcción de un conjunto mundialista.
If not, and it is embarrassing to have to make such obvious points, it ceases to be a European entity and becomes one step on the road towards the construction of a global entity.
Parece mentira que sea usted capaz de intervenir en este Pleno después del asesinato de dos miembros de la policía nacional, cometido por la banda terrorista que usted no es capaz de condenar.
It is incredible that you are able to speak in this House following the assassination of two members of the national police force, carried out by the terrorist group that you are unable to condemn.