
"interesante" in English

"interesante" in English
interesante{adjective masculine/feminine}
interesante{adjective masculine/feminine}
Vivimos una época interesante y este es un efecto secundario interesante de nuestro informe.
Interesting times, and an interesting side-effect to our report.
Será especialmente interesante seguir el debate interno en el Parlamento.
The internal debate within Parliament will be particularly interesting to follow.
. - Los eurobonos constituyen una idea interesante.
. - Eurobonds are an interesting idea.
attractive{adj.} (advantageous, interesting)
Hacer hincapié en las medidas macroeconómicas es mucho más interesante.
Placing the emphasis on macro-economic resources is much more attractive.
Si es tan interesante, ¿por qué no lo aplauden todos los lados?
If it is so attractive, why is there not applause from all sides?
Se entregarán a los dos galardonados premios internacionales interesantes.
Both winners will be awarded attractive international prizes.
engaging{adj.} (book, play)
Muchas gracias por un debate importante y muy interesante.
Thank you very much for an important and very engaging debate.
intriguing{adj.} (beauty, smile, person)
. - Interesante pregunta.
. - That is an intriguing question.
No pongo en duda que Cuba sea un país fascinante e interesante.
I am sure Cuba is an intriguing and interesting country.
Me parece interesante oír que la Comisión sigue teniendo una visión amplia del marchamo ecológico.
I think it was intriguing to hear that the Commission still has some vision as regards the eco-label.

Context examples for "interesante" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Pero es una cuestión muy interesante y ya comprobaremos el Reglamento pertinente.
It is, however, a very interesting point and we shall check the relevant rule.
Este debate general sobre la región de los Balcanes está siendo muy interesante.
This has been a very interesting general debate about the Balkans as a whole.
Hubiese sido interesante que esta afirmación se apoyara con ejemplos concretos.
It would have been good if this assertion had been supported by concrete examples.
En todo caso para la Comunidad era interesante vincular los dos ordenamientos.
In any event it would be in the Community's interests to link the two systems.
Sin embargo, con interrupciones como ésta, el debate resulta más interesante.
With interruptions such as this, however, the debate becomes more interesting.
Señor Presidente, acabamos de mantener un debate al mismo tiempo rico e interesante.
Mr President, we have just had a debate that was both interesting and productive.
Ha sido interesante el Programa sobre temas de la evangelización y la misión.
Worthy of notice was the program on the issues of evangelization and missions.
La idea de organizar una " Conferencia Intergubernamental-E " es muy interesante.
I find the idea of organising an e-government conference highly interesting.
Consideramos que la propuesta elegida fue un cambio interesante en el planteamiento.
We consider that the chosen proposal was an interesting change in the approach.
Señor Presidente, quiero dar las gracias a sus Señorías por este interesante debate.
Mr President, I should like to thank the Members for a very interesting debate.
Katiforis de nuevo su interesante contribución.
I would like to thank Mr Katiforis again for his very interesting contribution.
Señor Presidente, la Comisaria Cresson acaba de hacer una comunicación interesante.
Mr President, Commissioner Cresson has just made a most interesting statement.
. - (SK) Señorías, quiero darles las gracias por este debate tan interesante.
Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to thank you for a very interesting debate.
El término "economía real", como opuesto al sector financiero, es interesante.
The term 'real economy', as opposed to the financial sector, is interesting.
Señor Presidente, agradezco al Parlamento este interesante e importante debate.
MrPresident, I thank Parliament for this interesting and important debate.
El desarrollo rural en acción es mucho más interesante que la teoría que lo sustenta.
Rural development in action is much more interesting than the theory behind it.
Quizá sea éste un aspecto interesante sobre el que habría que reflexionar.
That might be an interesting angle, and one to which we might give some thought.
Keppelhoff-Wiechert formuló una pregunta muy interesante: cómo, y no por qué.
Mrs Keppelhoff-Wiechert asked the very important question - not why, but how.
Gracias señor Comisario por esa respuesta tan interesante y, estoy seguro, correcta.
I thank the Commissioner for that very interesting and, I am sure, correct answer.
En cualquier caso, me parece un informe interesante y que yo votaré a favor.
In any event, I think this is an interesting report, and I shall be voting for it.