
"intriguing" in Spanish

"intriguing" in Spanish
to intrigue{transitive verb}
intrigante{adj. m/f}
The intriguing suggestion – which has drawn scepticism from archaeologists – is based on the numbers encoded within the carvings on its surface.
La intrigante sugerencia – que ha provocado el escepticismo de los arqueólogos – se basa en los números codificados en las tallas de su superficie.
She then mentioned the intriguing subject of the enabling clause, and whether there should not be an enabling clause in the Convention or IGC.
Posteriormente, ha mencionado la intrigante cuestión de la cláusula de habilitación, valorando si debía o no haber una cláusula de habilitación en la Convención o en la CIG.
Mr President, I am sure I speak on behalf of other colleagues when I say that this has been one of the most intriguing and perplexing issues I have ever had to follow.
Señor Presidente, estoy seguro de que hablo en nombre de otros colegas cuando digo que esta ha sido una de las cuestiones más intrigantes y desconcertantes que he tenido que seguir.
I am sure Cuba is an intriguing and interesting country.
No pongo en duda que Cuba sea un país fascinante e interesante.
. - That is an intriguing question.
. - Interesante pregunta.
I am sure Cuba is an intriguing and interesting country.
No pongo en duda que Cuba sea un país fascinante e interesante.
I think it was intriguing to hear that the Commission still has some vision as regards the eco-label.
Me parece interesante oír que la Comisión sigue teniendo una visión amplia del marchamo ecológico.
But Mrs Morgan did raise intriguing questions about the questions which have been put down; doubtlessly they will be pursued.
Morgan ha formulado efectivamente preguntas enigmáticas sobre las cuestiones formuladas y que indudablemente se tendrán en cuenta.
But Mrs Morgan did raise intriguing questions about the questions which have been put down; doubtlessly they will be pursued.
Pero la Sra. Morgan ha formulado efectivamente preguntas enigmáticas sobre las cuestiones formuladas y que indudablemente se tendrán en cuenta.
I am particularly intrigued by how the Commission considers bringing this about.
Me intriga sobremanera cómo piensa materializarlo la Comisión.
Mr President-in-Office, you were intrigued by the questioner.
– Señor Presidente en ejercicio, a usted le ha intrigado el autor de la pregunta.
I am particularly intrigued by the thought of getting married on the Internet.
Me intriga en particular la idea de casarse por Internet.

Synonyms (English) for "intriguing":
Context examples for "intriguing" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
it is intriguing to speculate on what might have been
es interesante especular sobre lo que podría haber sido