
"unexpected event" in Spanish

"unexpected event" in Spanish

Context examples for "unexpected event" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
With regard, in general, to the gradual move towards a quota-free system, it has to be said that this is not an unexpected event.
También el Grupo de alto nivel ha pedido a la Comisión precisiones al respecto.
With regard, in general, to the gradual move towards a quota-free system, it has to be said that this is not an unexpected event.
Por lo que se refiere, de un modo general, al paso progresivo a un entorno sin cuotas, hay que precisar que no se trata de un acontecimiento imprevisto.
The volcanic eruption in April highlighted to us that traffic in European airspace is not prepared with an appropriate response in the event of unexpected disruption.
La erupción volcánica de abril puso de manifiesto que el tráfico por el espacio aéreo europeo no está preparado con una respuesta adecuada en el supuesto de un trastorno inesperado.