
"to prove … to be unfounded" in Spanish

"to prove … to be unfounded" in Spanish

Context examples for "to prove … to be unfounded" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I detected a great deal of anxiety in Mr Verheugen's speech; I only hope it will prove to be unfounded.
He percibido inquietud en el discurso del Sr. Verheugen y espero que los hechos no la justifiquen.
Let us hope that signs that are at the moment unclear but that engender fear, prove to be unfounded.
Esperemos que los indicios, poco claros por el momento, que generan temores resulten estar infundados.
I hope that my fears will prove to be unfounded.
Espero que mis temores sean infundados.
My experience is that these fears and prejudices are actually very similar, and that most of them prove to be unfounded.
Mi experiencia es que estos temores y prejuicios son en realidad muy similares y que la mayoría de ellos ha demostrado no tener fundamento.