
"to be in a rush" in Spanish

"to be in a rush" in Spanish

Context examples for "to be in a rush" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Why the big rush to get the Lisbon Treaty ratified across the 27 Member States?
¿Por qué las prisas por ratificar el Tratado de Lisboa en los 27 Estados miembros?
It may be in the interests of both parties not to rush into full membership.
Tal vez resulte beneficioso para ambas partes no lanzarse a la plena adhesión.
Mrs Sauquillo, I am not going to stop you speaking, but I do ask you not to rush.
Señora Sauquillo, no le quito la palabra, lo que le digo es que no se precipite usted.
This unseemly rush to judgment did nothing to improve the court's credibility.
Esta indecorosa prisa por juzgarlo no contribuyó a mejorar la credibilidad del tribunal.
At this time we ought not to rush into resuming comprehensive talks with Russia.
En este momento, no debemos precipitarnos en reanudar las conversaciones globales con Rusia.
There is no rush to put this matter to the vote at this very moment.
No hay motivo para apresurarnos a votar sobre este asunto en este preciso momento.
They will not rush to do so on their own, as we have seen over the last few decades.
En las últimas décadas ha quedado claro que no lo harán por sí mismos.
Let me urge that we are cautious and do not rush into new legislation.
Permítanme instarles a ser precavidos y no precipitarnos hacia una nueva legislación.
In this debate, we have heard renewed pleas for another big rush ahead.
En este debate hemos escuchado renovados llamamientos para dar un nuevo salto adelante.
We must not rush the vote on the Fiori report nor must we rush the debate.
El informe Fiori debe votarse en un clima de serenidad y el debate también exige serenidad.
A ruthless race is in prospect - a madness on the scale of the 19th-century gold rush.
Es de prever una despiadada carrera, una locura a escala de la fiebre del oro del siglo XIX.
So that we can rush things through in a Parliament whose mandate is about to expire?
¿Para acelerar los diferentes procesos en un Parlamento cuyo mandato está a punto de finalizar?
It is disturbing to note the major rush towards the militarisation of the European Union.
Es inquietante observar esa resuelta tendencia hacia la militarización de la Unión Europea.
However, we must not rush into this, as we might throw out the baby with the bathwater.
Sin embargo, no debemos precipitarnos y actuar con exceso de celo.
Now that you have just emerged from your former prison, do not rush to enter a new one.
Si acaban de salir de una antigua prisión, no entren en una nueva.
We must resist the onward rush towards treating everything in society as saleable commodities.
Debemos rechazar la carrera de una mercantilización total de la sociedad.
It is vital, as I have said, that we do not rush to make a judgement.
Es vital, como he dicho, que no nos precipitemos a emitir un juicio.
It is also the reason for the snail's pace at which traffic normally moves in the rush hour.
Esta es la causa de una velocidad media muy baja en las horas punta.
So, I welcome the report but I am not going to rush to judgment on the basis of it.
Por ello, acojo con satisfacción el informe que no me precipitaré en juzgar en base a lo que he dicho.
But Mr Titley is trying to rush things with this report of his.
Sin embargo, lo que el Sr. Titley intenta con este informe es un procedimiento de tirón.